Looking for the official website of the activation for EPF UAN? Right here you can find the correct website.
The Central Government of India will be launching a scheme for portability of PF transfer claims. For this, a a unique ID will be issued to a person which will get linked to the Universal PF Account Number (UAN). That way, the need to have a new account each time a change of job occurs is eliminated. There will be seamless transfer of claims for PF from one job to another, throughout the person's working life.
This is an extremely useful one-stop site for obtaining your UAN and availing of various facilities through it. Through this site, once you register, you can get your UAN card, passbook, etc. There are thus multiple benefits of this one portal. Know the benefits and other aspects of UAN through this useful resource: http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/165519-How-to-activate-Provident-Fund-UAN.aspx
URL: http://uanmembers.epfoservices.in/uan_reg_form.php
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