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Geeta Institute of Managment And Technology, Kurukshetra

Are you looking for information about Geeta Institute of Managment And Technology at 166 K.M. Milestone on G.T. Road, Village Kanipla, Kurukshetra - 136119? Want to know about the features and facilities of this college? Find all relevant information for this college, their telephone number and address details, along with email address and website to contact college.
College Name: Geeta Institute of Managment And Technology, Kurukshetra
Address: 166 K.M. Milestone on G.T. Road, Village Kanipla, Kurukshetra - 136119
City: Kurukshetra   Colleges in Kurukshetra
State: Haryana   Find Colleges in Haryana
Phone Number: 9996909803
Official Website:
University: Kurukshetra University
Other popular names: GIMT, Kurukshetra

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Geeta Institute of Managment And Technology

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About Geeta Institute of Managment And Technology

Geeta Institute of Management and Technology (A Unit of Geeta Education Trust) is an engineering Institute with a lush green campus having excellent infrastructure, Experienced Faculty, Well Furnished Classrooms, equipped with Audio-Visual aids, Well Stocked Library, Well Equipped Labs and Workshop with Eco-Friendly Environment.

The management of GIMT, has taken upon itself of fulfilling a mission upholding the noble task of our envisaged vision to provide the best infrastructure deemed sufficient for building up a centre of excellence , Nurture and foster an academic fraternity to cater to the emerging needs of the student community in particular and the society at large, to encourage and motivate the students, faculty and researchers to utilize the facilities provided with their innovative and creative thinking and research, to augment all available avenues to develop students for emerging needs of society and last but not least to develop GIMT into a Global centre of Excellence in the fields of engineering, technology and allied disciplines.

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Courses in Geeta Institute of Managment And Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech Civil Engineering73
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering73
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering73
M.Tech. Computer Application18
B.Tech Electrical Engineering73
B.Tech. Information Technology73 Seats
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering73
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