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Hindu College, Guntur

Hindu College located at Hindu College, Amaravathi Road, Guntur - 522 003, A.P. Check this post to know about the features and facilities at this college and also to know abut the address, contact telephone numbers, email address and website for communication.
College Name: Hindu College, Guntur
Address: Hindu College, Amaravathi Road, Guntur - 522 003, A.P
City: Guntur   Colleges in Guntur
State: Andhra Pradesh   Find Colleges in Andhra Pradesh
Phone Number: 0863 2220134, 0863 2227649
Official Website:
University: Acharya Nagarjuna University
Other popular names: Hindu College, P.G. CAMPUS

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About Hindu College

Started as a small Sanskrit School about 135 years ago, later developed into the Town High School.Great patriots like
Sri T.T.Krishnamachari, Sri Kasu Brahmananda Reddy, Sri Kotha Raghuramaiah and Sri N.V.L.Narasimha Rao were students of the School.

Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the then vice-chancellor of Andhra University and later President of India inaugurated the Hindu college in 1935, with a few Science departments and departments of languages. It become a first grade College in 1947.Originally affiliated to Andhra University and later to Nagarjuna University, the College got UGC recognition in 1956

The College has to its credit maximum number of P.G. Courses sanctioned by the University.

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Courses in Hindu College

Course NameFeesSeats
B Tech Aerospace6400 for 2 years40
M.Sc. Aquaculture12160 For 2 years30
M.Sc. Biochemistry23160 for 2 years35
M.Sc. Botany6400 for 2 years50
B.E Chemical Engineering9500 per 3 years35
ME ChemicalMay be 10,000 for 3 years30
M.Sc. Chemistry6400 for 2 years40
M.B.A International Business100,000 for 3 years30
B.E. EXTC5320 for 2 years30
M.Sc. Geology5320 for 2 years30
M.Sc. Nanotechnology150,000 for 2 years40
B.Tech. Industrial Engineering6400 for 2 years35
M.Sc. Statistics5400 for 2 years30
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