Campus Representative of
Samanta Chandra Sekhar Autonomous College
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Samanta Chandra Sekhar Autonomous College
Samanta Chandra Sekhar College, Puri, is one of the premier institutions of the state devoted to the cause of higher education. Situated in the holy city of Puri this citadel of learning had its modest inception as Puri College in the year 1944, which initially functioned in the building of Puri Zilla School. Gradually in a span of five years this college became one of the most prestigious institutions of the state attracting a large number of students from all over the state, because of high standard of teaching-learning package offered by the teaching faculty. Needless to say that the picturesque landscape of Puri lapped by the Bay of Bengal and nestled by lush green cocoanut, cashew and casuarinas groves lend this college the most serene and tranquil environment so conducive to any meaningful scholastic pursuits. Within that short span of time the academic performance of this college became so conspicuous that students from far and wide sought admission into this college and in response to the growing demand of the students this college was shifted to its own building, an ‘E' shaped redbrick massive structure that in itself stands as an architectural monument, the ‘E' signifying Enlightenment. The State Government most appropriately rechristened the college as Samanta Chandra Sekhar College as a fitting tribute to the eminent Orissan Astro-scientist Mahamohopadhyaya Chandra Sekhar Singh Samanta (1835-1934), who remains a constant source of inspiration for our young students. His bronze bust installed in front of the college continues to encourage and enlighten the young minds to strive to fathom as yet unexplored areas of knowledge and not to yield.
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