Campus Representative of
Mother Teresa College of Nursing
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Mother Teresa College of Nursing
Started in the year 2003. Strength limited to 40 (College) 60 (School). Well experienced and Qualified Teachers. Spacious building with well equipped classrooms, good library, water electricity, playground and toilet facilities. Hospitals / Nursing Homes are provided for Practical Training. Van facilities and Hostel facilities are provided. Useful lecturers, places of visit for understanding are provided. Minimum qualification - II PUC. Students from all States of India are allowed. The Mother Teresa School/College of Nursing offers everything you need to help you excel by studying in a friendly and supportive environment.
Mother Teresa School/College of Nursing is a dynamic, independent, co-educational, residential college, where our pupils are given the best opportunity to fulfill their potential in a happy and caring atmosphere which includes pupils form all races and religious denominations.
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