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Bhaskar Engineering College, Hyderabad

Are you looking for details about the Bhaskar Engineering College at Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. District, Hyderabad, A.P., India-500075? This college post is the right page to get complete information about address, telephone number, address, website and info and reviews about Bhaskar Engineering College.
College Name: Bhaskar Engineering College, Hyderabad
Address: Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. District, Hyderabad
A.P., India-500075
City: Hyderabad   Colleges in Hyderabad
State: Telangana   Find Colleges in Telangana
Phone Number: +91 40 2330 1523, 040 2339 1979, 9963151465
Official Website:
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Other popular names: bskr; BEC

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About Bhaskar Engineering College

the college is the excellent for it faculty and more over the teaching is excellent.........

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Courses in Bhaskar Engineering College

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech. Automobile EngineeringConvernor Quota: 30,200; Management Quota: 95,00060
B.Tech Civil EngineeringConvernor Quota: 30,200; Management Quota: 95,00060
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications EngineeringConvernor Quota: 30,200; Management Quota: 95,00060
B.Tech. Computer Science and EngineeringConvernor Quota: 30,200; Management Quota: 95,00060
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics EngineeringConvernor Quota: 30,200; Management Quota: 95,00060
B.Tech. Information TechnologyConvernor Quota: 30,200; Management Quota: 95,00060
M.B.AConvernor Quota: 26,000; Management Quota: 75,00060
B.Tech Mechanical EngineeringConvernor Quota: 30,200; Management Quota: 95,00060
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Reviews of Bhaskar Engineering College

About baskar engineering college 2 out of 52 out of 5
The college is one of the colleges under JBIT colleges. JBIT is a good college but Bhaskar college managed by them is worst. The college building is the worst and class rooms are not at all good. You loose interest in studying as soon as you enter into the class. Faculty is also not experienced and college placements are also very less Prefer not to join this college.
- By Vineesh Kumar, 03 Jun 2011

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