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Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sangrur

Are you looking for information about Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology in Longowal Sangrur, Punjab? Wondering about what courses are given for Engineering at this college and the quality of education? Check this post to know more information about Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology and contact them at their address, telephone numbers, email and website address.
College Name: Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sangrur
Address: Longowal
India Pin Code: 148106
City: Sangrur    Colleges in Sangrur
State: Punjab   Find Colleges in Punjab
Phone Number: 01672-280072, 284782, 284815, 284816 , 01672-280072 , 280057,280059
Official Website:
Other popular names: SLIET,LONGOWAL

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Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology

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About Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology

Consequent upon the decision, taken by Govt. of India in 1985, to tender a valuable, yet humble tribute to the everlasting memory of the revered saint, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology took its shape. The institute was established by Ministry Of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Govt. of India in the year 1989 and was formally inaugurated on 20th December 1991.

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology (SLIET) has got the Deemed-University status in 2007. The University Grants Commission (UGC) disaffiliated the institute from Punjab Technical University (PTU), Jalandhar, Punjab and declared SLIET a Deemed-to- be-University in April 2007, provisionally for 5 years.

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Courses in Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E Chemical Engineering60
BE Chemical5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 47, Seats for Vertical entry = 23, Seats for Direct entry = 24
Diploma Chemical Technology5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 46, Seats for Vertical entry = 18, Seats for Direct entry = 28
B.E Computer Science and Engineering60
B.E. Computer Engineering19,925 per semesterTotal Seats = 46, Seats for Vertical entry = 00, Seats for Direct entry = 46
Certification Computer Applications (CCA)Rs.4230/- per Semester46
Diploma Computer Applications5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 46, Seats for Vertical entry = 22, Seats for Direct entry = 24
Diploma Instrumentation & Control Engineering5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 46, Seats for Vertical entry = 22, Seats for Direct entry = 24
Certification Electrical Equipment Maintenance4,230 per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 46
Certification Television Mechanism and Service4,230 per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 47
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering19,925Total Seats = 62, Seats for Vertical entry = 18, Seats for Direct entry = 44
Certification Electronic Repair & Maintenance4,230 per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 46
M.Tech. Electronics and Communication EngineeringRs. 15425/- per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 25, For GATE/SETVI qualified = 20, For Industry-Institute sponsored = 05
B.E. Food Processing Technology30
Certification Food Technology (CFT)Rs.4230/- per Semester46
Dip. Food Processing and Technology5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 46, Seats for Vertical entry = 18, Seats for Direct entry = 28
M.Tech. Food TechnologyRs. 15425/- per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 36, For GATE/SETVI qualified = 31, For Industry-Institute sponsored = 05
Certification Auto and Farm Machinery4,230 per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 46
Certification Paper & Printing Technology (CPPT)Rs.4230/- per Semester46
Certification Tool and Die maker4,230 per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 47
Certification Welder4,230 per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 46
Diploma Foundry Technology5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 46, Seats for Vertical entry = 18, Seats for Direct entry = 28
Diploma Maintenance Engg. & Mgt.5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 46, Seats for Vertical entry = 27, Seats for Direct entry = 19
M.Tech Electronic Instrumentation & ControlRs. 15425/- per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 25, For GATE/SETVI qualified = 20, For Industry-Institute sponsored = 05
M.Tech Polymer TechnologyRs. 15425/- per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 25, For GATE/SETVI qualified = 20, For Industry-Institute sponsored = 05
B.E. Manufacturing Processes & Automation Eng.19,925 per semesterTotal Seats = 62, Seats for Vertical entry = 36, Seats for Direct entry = 26
B.E. Polymer Engineering19,925 per semesterTotal Seats = 45, Seats for Vertical entry = 09, Seats for Direct entry = 36
Certification Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic4,230 per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 46
Dip. Welding Engineering & Technology5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 46, Seats for Vertical entry = 18, Seats for Direct entry = 28
B.E. Instrumentation and Control Engineering19,925 per semesterTotal Seats = 62, Seats for Vertical entry = 18, Seats for Direct entry = 44
M.B.ARs. 15425/- per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 34, Maximum seats for CAT candidates = 09
Certification Foundry & Forging (CFF)Rs.4230/- per Semester46
M.Tech. Manufacturing Systems EngineeringRs. 15425/- per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 36, For GATE/SETVI qualified = 31, For Industry-Institute sponsored = 05
B.E Mechanical Engineering
B.E. Mechanical Engineering (Welding Tech )19,925 per semesterTotal Seats = 62, Seats for Vertical entry = 36, Seats for Direct entry = 26
M.Tech Mechanical EngineeringRs. 15425/- per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 25, For GATE/SETVI qualified = 20, For Industry-Institute sponsored = 05
Certification Servicing &Maintenance Medical Instr4,230 per semesterTotal sanctioned seats = 46
B.E. Mining Engineering5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 47, Seats for Vertical entry = 23, Seats for Direct entry = 24
Diploma Production Engineering5,730 per semesterTotal Seats = 46, Seats for Vertical entry = 27, Seats for Direct entry = 19
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Reviews of Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology

SLIET,Longowal 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology was eastablished by Ministry Of Human Resource and Development in the year 1989. It was formally inaugurated in the year 1991. SLIET is an autonomous body and is aided by government funding. The college is spread in an area of 451 acres and has a vast variety of plantation and natural beauty. Moreover the college has a lake inside the campus and is definitely a great place to learn anything. The college has a great infrastructure in context with department buildings, hostels and library. The campus provides all the facilities including swimming pool, playgrounds and various social clubs within the campus. The faculty is highly experienced and talented. Most of the teachers are from NITs and reputed institutes. The college gets good funds from the Gov. of India for development. The college provide B.Tech in various trades and course & an additional combined Diploma and course.
- By Prakash Pandey, 29 Jul 2010

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Posted By: Amardeep Jain    Posted Date: 13 Jul 2011   
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology (SLIET) has got the Deemed-University status in 2007. The University Grants Commission (UGC) disaffiliated the institute from Punjab Technical University (PTU), Jalandhar, Punjab and declared SLIET a Deemed-to- be-University in April 2007, provisionally for 5 years.

You can check the college official website Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology where this notification is clearly mentioned.

Please move this institute to the University section of ISC instead of College section.

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