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College of Fisheries, Cochin

Are you looking for details about the College of Fisheries in Panangad P.O., Ernakulam - 682 651? This college post is the right page to get complete information about address, telephone number, address, website and info and reviews about College of Fisheries.
College Name: College of Fisheries, Cochin
Address: Panangad P.O.,
Ernakulam - 682 651
City: Cochin   Colleges in Cochin
State: Kerala   Find Colleges in Kerala
Phone Number: 0484-2700337, 0484-2700598
Official Website:
University: Kerala Agricultural University

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College of Fisheries

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About College of Fisheries

This college is under the administrative and academic control of Kerala Agricultural University. This is the only college in Kerala, which offers a Professional degree in Fisheries, the degree being B.F.Sc. It is a four year programme and the recruitment is through the Kerala professional course Entrance Examination.There are 50 seats for the course, including the reservation seats. National level selection is also there conducted by the Indian Council o f Agricultural Research (ICAR).

M.F.Sc. programmes with specialisations in Aquaculture, Fish Processing, Fishery Hydrography and Fishery Biology are also offered in this college.Ph.D. in Aquaculture and Fish Processing is also there.
The college is situated in the Kumbalam Grama Panchayath, a suburban Panchayath of Kochi City.
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Courses in College of Fisheries

Course NameFeesSeats
Bachelor of Fisheries Science (B.F.Sc.)
M.F.Sc. (Aquaculture)
M.F.Sc. Fish Processing
M.F.Sc. Fisheries Extension
M.F.Sc. Fisheries Hydrography
M.F.Sc. Fishery Biology
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Reviews of College of Fisheries

College of Fisheries, Panangad,Kochi 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
College of Fisheries established in the year 1979, was the third Professional College in Fisheries in the country. It started first with admitting students to the Bachelor degree (Professional) program in Fisheries on a national basis. The selection of students was through an entrance examination conducted by the State Government at the State level and by ICAR at the national level. Later Post graduate programs with specializations in Aquaculture, Fishery Biology, Fish Processing, Fishery Hydrography and Fisheries Extension were also started. It is now a well established college with all facilities to train students in all specializations in Fisheries. Passed out students are already in high positions in Government/ semi-Government/Private organizations and also hold key positions in Academic as well as National Institutes. Many have gone outside the country for higher studies or for job. The college has established its name in the national level as number one in this field. Research activities also prosper here.
- By T.M.Sankaran, 16 Dec 2009

Excellent Performance 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
During the last five to six years, College Fisheries, Panangad, Kochi has been in the topmost position as far as the results of National Level Post Graduate Entrance Examination, conducted by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research(ICAR), Govt. of India, are concerned. In certain years students of this college bagged about six top ranks, including the first, out of the first ten ranks. Last year they have become again in the top position in the selection to the Agriculture Research Service by the ICAR.
- By T.M.Sankaran, 19 Feb 2010

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