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A.C.T. College of Engineering And Technology, Maduranthagam

A.C.T. College of Engineering And Technology is located at Nelvoy Village, Pukkathurai Post, Bukkathurai - Uthiramerur High Road, Maduranthagam, Kancheepuram District - 603 107. Check this college post to know about the courses offered, how to reach details and other relevant information about the college over here. Ask any related questions about this college in the Forum of this website. Also get to know the affiliation details of this college and the courses offered by this college.
College Name: A.C.T. College of Engineering And Technology, Maduranthagam
Address: Nelvoy Village, Pukkathurai Post, Bukkathurai - Uthiramerur High Road, Maduranthagam,
Kancheepuram District - 603 107.
City: Maduranthagam   Colleges in Maduranthagam
State: Tamil Nadu   Find Colleges in Tamil Nadu
Phone Number: 044 - 26531612, 044-27293090 , 044-26533219, 044 - 27297090
Official Website:
University: Anna University Chennai

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A.C.T. College of Engineering And Technology

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About A.C.T. College of Engineering And Technology

ACT College of Engineering and Technology is committed to intellectual excellence, social harmony and secular values. It believes in democratic philosophy of education administration to provide multi level entry. The college has implemented institutional reforms in order to seek an effective performance evaluation of students and faculty. The courses offered under the approval of AICTE and affiliated to ANNA University, Chennai.

Knowledge is power. The twenty first century is hailed as the ‘knowledge century'. As never before, the younger generation is showing considerable interest in acquiring knowledge. The media is churning out voluminous information day in and day out and this has to be converted into knowledge. This is best done by developing one's reading and listening skills.

The guidance provided by experts in the area of study is very helpful in this process. Teachers are playing the role of facilitators.
Every young person should cultivate a desire to succeed. The desire should become a determination. With the right attitude one can achieve great things.

In a technology driven society, skills play an important role in all activities. Institutions imparting education in various fields of technology have a definite role to play in providing skill orientation to students who enter the portals.

It is up to the youth to utilize in full the opportunity of institutional education to develop their knowledge, skills and attitude and become creative. There should be a burning desire in each individual to achieve something special using the above factors. Solutions have to be found for the complex problems that haunt the society, and wherever application of technology is needed, the most appropriate group which can tackle the situation will be those with sound educational background in technology. Entrepreneurship is closely associated with a society‘s forward movement. A skill that is very high demand today is that of entrepreneurship. This has to be assiduously cultivated in every branch of human activity

In an era of expanding opportunities, the scope for growth and development is immense. Everything depends upon the disciplined thinking and focused action of the trained and educated minds shaped by quality institutions. The competitive world of today has place only for those who dare to do. With an unflinching devotion to duty and commitment to the cause undertaken one is bound to scale great heights of glory. Hard work is the bedrock of success.

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Courses in A.C.T. College of Engineering And Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E Civil Engineering60
B.E Computer Science and Engineering60
B.E Computer Science and Engineering60
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering60
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering60
B.E. Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering60
B.Tech. Information Technology60
B.E Mechanical Engineering60
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