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B J Medical College, Ahmedabad

Looking for the correct address B J Medical College? See here the updated post of which has full postal address, latest phone numbers and other latest contact information of this college at Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad – 380 016.
College Name: B J Medical College, Ahmedabad
Address: Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad – 380 016
City: Ahmedabad    Colleges in Ahmedabad
State: Gujarat   Find Colleges in Gujarat
Phone Number: 079-22680074, Fax:079-22683067
Official Website:
University: Gujarat University

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B J Medical College

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About B J Medical College

B. J. Medical College was established in the year 1946.Timings of the college are from 9-00 AM to 5-00 PM.Dean of this college is Dr. Bharat J. Shah

The B. J. Medical College (BJMC), Ahmedabad is one of the largest sources of medically qualified manpower in the country.The college is the centre for the admission of MBBS students in the entire Gujarat State. Each year, some 250 students are admitted to the college receiving the best medical training.The college admits its students through an entrance examination conducted in Gujarat . I. The school offers Postgraduate M.D. courses in 15 branches of medicine, an M.S. course in five branches of surgery, super specialty courses of D.M. in three branches, M.Ch in four branches, postgraduate diploma courses in 10 branches, and many other medical degrees for non-medical persons. It is a center for the National Board of Medical Examinations for various subjects. The school has made notable contributions in studies with the Indian Council of Medical Research. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has recognized the college for its innovation in integrated teaching and training programs in child health services and universal immunization.

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Courses in B J Medical College

Course NameFeesSeats
Diploma Child Health (DCH)
D.M. Cardiology12
D.M. Nephrology4
Diploma Clinical Pathology
Diploma Obstetrics & Gynaecology (DGO)
Diploma Orthopaedics16
Diploma Otorhinolaryngology (DLO)10
Diploma Public Health (D.P.H.)3
M.Ch. Paediatric Surgery3
M.Ch. Plastic Surgery4
M.Ch. Thoracic Surgery6
M.Ch. Urology4
M.D. Preventive and Social Medicineas per govt. regulationsas per govt. regulations
M.D. AnatomyAs per Govt. rulesAs per Govt. rules
M.D. Anesthesiology
M.D. Bio-Chemistry
M.D. Forensic Medicine
M.D. Microbiology
M.D. Obstetrics and Gynaecologyas per gov rulesas per gov rules
M.D. Ophthalmologyas per gov rulesas per gov rules
M.D. Paediatrics
M.D. Pathology
M.D. Pharmacology
M.D. Physiology
M.D. Psychiatry
M.D. Radiodiagnosis
M.D. Radiologyas per govt.ruleas per govt.rule
M.D. RadioTherapy
MS General Surgery
MS Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MS Ophthalmology
MS Orthopedics
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Reviews of B J Medical College

My impression of BJMC 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
I studied in BJMC from august, 1993 to April, 2002. It was then and is still the best place to study medicine from MBBS to DM in Gujarat.However one needs to be very focussed to survive in the college. There are lot of anti social elements at all levels and the average student is served well if he or she ignores them and goes about the classes in a very low profile manner. Since the top students of Gujarat take admission her there is a good opportunity to interact with the best and improve oneself. The clinical material avaiable in the hospital attached to the college, viz. Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad is mind blowing. But there is a lot to be desired as far as the teaching programme is concerned especially at the undegraduate level. Almost always learning has to be self directed with some guidance from a few teachers and lot of help rom seniors. Though the alumini from this college has made it tops in the world, most of the times it is due to their own efforts rather than due to any structured teaching in the college.So if you qualify for this college spare no second thought in taking the admission. Once on the inside, tie blinkers to your eyes and slog it out, swalow all insults and slights and stop not until you see light at the end of the tunnel.
- By Dr. Ajay George Akkara, 09 Apr 2011

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Posted By: selvakandasamy v    Posted Date: 11 Sep 2015   
Duplication in the following course to delete from the list
MD Psychairty
MD Pharmacology
MD Pathology
MS Orthopedics
MD Anatomy
MD Anesthesiology

As per official website, the following courses are not offered by the college
MD Radiology
MD Obstetrics & Gynaecology
MD Ophthalmology
MD Bio Chemistry

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