Campus Representative of
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute
Himanshu Malik
About Harcourt Butler Technological Institute
The institute runs 13 undergraduate programmes leading to B. Tech degree. The undergraduate programmes in Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Computer Science Engineering and Chemical Technology (Biochemical Engineering, Food, Oil and Paints and Plastic Technology) of the institute has been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (N.B.A).
Courses offered by the Harcourt Butler Technological Institute:
B. Tech.
Chemical Engg. Civil Engg. Comp. Sc. & Engg. Electrical Engg. Electronics Engg. Information Tech. Leather Tech. Mechanical Engg. Bio-Chemical Engg. Food Tech. Oil Tech. Paint Tech. Plastic Tech.
M. Tech. (Full Time)
Chemical Engg. Chemical Tech. (with specialization in Biochemical Engg. Food Technology Oil Technology) CAD Electronics Engg.
M. Tech. (Part Time)
Chemical Engg. Civil Engg. i) Soil Mech. ii) Structure Engg. Electrical Engg. Mechanical Engg. i) Mech.Engg. Design. ii) Indl. Sys. Engg.
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