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Kuriakose Elias College, Mannanam

Kuriakose Elias College is located at Mannanam, Kottayam - 686 561 , Kerala. Read this post to know more about the phone number, email address, website and university links. Get a chance to represent this college if you have studied from this institute in your student days as well.
College Name: Kuriakose Elias College, Mannanam
Address: Kuriakose Elias College(1964)
Mannanam, Kottayam - 686 561 ,
City: Mannanam   Colleges in Mannanam
State: Kerala   Find Colleges in Kerala
Phone Number: 0481 2597374, 2597074
Email: ,    
Official Website:
University: Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala
Other popular names: KE College Mannanam; K.E College Mannanam;

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Kuriakose Elias College

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About Kuriakose Elias College

Fax: 0481-2590915,

Principal: Rev. Dr. Joseph Kuzhichalil Tel. 0481-2597512 .Society : 2597111

Courses M.A Economics, M.Sc. Chemistry. (Analytical), Physics, M.Com. B.A English (hist of eng,pol), Economics (WH, pol sc), History (v) Communication and Publishing Science (Eco., Hist. of Mal. Literature) Psychology (physio, stat), BSc Maths (stat, phy), Physics (maths, chem), Chemistry (maths, phy), Botany (zoo, chem), Zoology (bot, bio chem), B.Sc. (UGC) (V) Computer Application B.Com, MSC (OR & CA), Maths (unaided), Biotechnology, MSW, BL,sc(unaided), BSC Electronic equipment maintenance(unaided)

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Courses in Kuriakose Elias College

Course NameFeesSeats
M.Sc. BotanyAs per government norms12
M.Sc Analytical Chemistry
B.Sc. ChemistryAs per government norms32
B.Com Computer ApplicationsAs per government norms40
M.Com Banking
M.Com Commerce
Bachelor of Computer Application (B Level)
B.A. Economics
M.A. Economics
Bachelor of L.I.Sc.Self Financing
B.A. History
Certificate course in Advanced Jewellery Design
B.A. English
M.A. EnglishAs per government norms15
M.B.A Finance
B.Sc. Mathematics
M.Sc StatisticsAs per government norms12
M.Sc. MathematicsAs per government norms30
B.A. Psychology
M.Sc. Psychology and CounsellingAs per government norms24
Master of Social Work (M.S.W)Self Financing
B.Sc. Physics
M.Sc. PhysicsAs per government norms10
M.B.A. Business Administration
B.Sc. Zoology
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Posted By: Femy    Posted Date: 01 Oct 2010   
wrong website given..

Posted By: Vimaldev Ullattuthodiyil Vasudevan    Posted Date: 10 Oct 2019   
The below courses are not offering in the college.

B Tech Industrial Engineering,
ME Industrial Engineering,
Certificate course in Advanced Jewellery Design,
MSc Biotechnology

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