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Kalindi College, New Delhi

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College Name: Kalindi College, New Delhi
Address: Kalindi College
East Patel Nagar,
New Delhi-110 008
City: New Delhi   Colleges in New Delhi
State: Delhi   Find Colleges in Delhi
Phone Number: 91-011-25787604
Official Website:
University: University of Delhi

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Courses in Kalindi College

Course NameFeesSeats
M Tech Automobile
B.Com Accounting and Finance
Diploma Office AutomationRs. 4,000 for 4 months
B.A. Economics
B.A Education
Other Bachelor's Degree
B.A. History
B.A. Journalism
B.A. English
B.A. Hindi
B.A. Sanskrit
Diploma French
M.A. Hindi
M.A. Sanskrit
B.Sc. Mathematics
B.Sc. PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
B.Sc. Physics
B.A. Political Science
M.A. Political Science
Diploma Tourism Studies
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Reviews of Kalindi College

Kalindi College Review 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
Kalindi college opened at East Patel Nagar in Delhi in 1970. Unlike other college, this one has a quite and serene air about it and it offers many professionals courses also. The Faculty is over 100 and students strength of 2000. Kalindi aims to nurture intellectual vigour and a sense of responsibility among students. Dr. Anula Maurya is the principal of this college.

About Courses

The college is famous for the huge variety of courses. The college has 1 different departments. They offer two professional course i.e. journalism and computer science. It is the only five colleges in the university to offer B.A (H) journalism.


The college has over 100 faculty members and approx 90 administrative staff members. To get more knowledge the also invite many guests for lectures and facilitate student interaction.

Information technology

This college also have a cyber centre which is use kalindians but now The college is also setting up a new one, which will be equipped with 80 computers and high-speed internet connectivity. This will definitely help students for connecting people.


The Kalindi college has fully equipped laboratories for students of botany, chemistry, physics, zoology, computer science, geography and journalism. It also has a good library which consists of over 70,000 books including novels also. the auditorium of this college is called Sangam Parisar and hosts events like seminars and other functions. The canteen here is a nice place to get relax and eat hygienic but cheap food. Theres also a photocopying section for students and a bank branch in college premises.


The college coordinates with the Central Placement Cell of he University Of Delhi. Many reputed firms visit college during placement season.

Final Verdict

I think the college is best to study. I will definitely recommend you for this college.

- By MAYANK Bindra, 11 Jan 2012

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