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St. Ann's Degree College, Visakhapatnam

Are you looking for details about the St. Ann's Degree College at Vizag in Andhra Pradesh? This college post is the right page to get complete information about address, telephone number, address, website and info and reviews about St. Ann's Degree College.
College Name: St. Ann's Degree College, Visakhapatnam
Address: Gajuwaka, Malkapuram P.O.,
Visakhapatnam District,
Andhra Pradesh - 530 011.
City: Visakhapatnam   Colleges in Visakhapatnam
State: Andhra Pradesh   Find Colleges in Andhra Pradesh
Phone Number: 0891 - 2577674, 2758534 ,09642021444
Official Website:
University: Andhra University
Other popular names: St. Ann's College For Women.

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St. Ann's Degree College

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About St. Ann's Degree College

This a college only for women located at malkapuram in Visakhapatnam. It has intermediate and graduate courses. With good facilities, faculty and good reputation. I have personally studied there and it is one of the best colleges in Vizag.

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Courses in St. Ann's Degree College

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Sc. Biochemistry
B.Sc. Biotechnology1st Year- 12,010/-, 2nd Year- 10,000/-, 3rd Year- 10,000/-
B.Sc. Microbiology1st Year- 12,010/-, 2nd Year- 10,000/-, 3rd Year- 10,000/-
B.Com1st Year- 7,460/-, 2nd Year- 7,000/-, 3rd Year- 7,000/-
B.A Education1st Year- 5,660/-, 2nd Year- 5,000/-, 3rd Year- 5,000/--
P.U.C Economics
P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology
P.U.C. History
B.A. Public Administration
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Reviews of St. Ann's Degree College

St.Anns college for women, Vizag. 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
This is one of the good colleges in Vizag. It is located at malkapuram in Vizag. It is also known as womens college. It is run by catholic nuns and the college facilities are excelent. All the teachers are very experienced and friendly. The college has undergraduate, graduate and post graduate courses with well equiped lab facilities. There is hostel facility for students who come from far places. Students have great time with well planned schedule and time for recreation. I had a great time during my study by learning so many things. Recommend you to visit and know more about the college and have a bright future with St.Anns college.
- By Cholla Spandana, 30 Aug 2009

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Colleges in Andhra Pradesh



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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 30 Mar 2012   


Correct pincode: 530 011

Addition in address: Gajuwaka

Mobile: 09642021444

Other popular name: St. Ann's College For Women.

Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 30 Mar 2012   
Addition in courses:


1. B.Com-

1st Year- 7,460/-, 2nd Year- 7,000/-, 3rd Year- 7,000/-

2. B.Sc. in Bio Technology-

1st Year- 12,010/-, 2nd Year- 10,000/-, 3rd Year- 10,000/-

3. B.Sc. in Micro Biology-

1st Year- 12,010/-, 2nd Year- 10,000/-, 3rd Year- 10,000/-

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