Campus Representative of
Birla Institute of Technology BIT (Deemed University)
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Birla Institute of Technology BIT (Deemed University)
Birla Institute of Technology, popularly referred to as BIT, is a premier college for higher education in technical courses, in India. The Rajasthan branch of BIT, located in Jaipur, was established in 1995. BIT Jaipur is an extension center of Birla Institute of Technology Mesra (Ranchi), Jharkhand.
BIT Jaipur currently conducts UG courses in Computer Science and Engineering, as well as Electronics and Communications Engineering. Bachelors and Masters in Business Administration and Computer Application are also offered by BIT Jaipur. The educational institution, affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, boasts of modern facilities within its sprawling campus.
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