Campus Representative of
Institute of Jute Technology
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Institute of Jute Technology
Institute of Jute Technology was founded on 10th March 1951 by University of Calcutta and Indian Jute Mills Association (IJMA). The land was donated by Taraknath Palith Trust. The objective of the institute was to cater education and training to fulfill the needs of jute industry and other allied sectors. On 1st July 2011, the institute has been converted to Technology Department of University of Calcutta. In July 2011, the name of the institute has been changed to Department of Jute and Fibre Technology, Institute of Jute Technology, University of Calcutta. This institute is located just beside Ballygunge Science College Campus of University of Calcutta.
Courses offered The courses offered by the institute are: (a) Ph.D in Textile Technology: Eligibility is M.Tech in Textile Technology and admission is through Admission Test (b) M.Tech in Textile Technology: Eligibility is B.Tech in Jute/Fibre/Textile Technology and admission is through Admission Test/ GATE (c) B.Tech in Fibre Technology: Eligibility is Higher Secondary (X+II) in Science and admission is through Admission Test. (d) B.Tech in Jute Technology: Eligibility is Higher Secondary (X+II) in Science and admission is through Admission Test. (e) Post Graduate Diploma in Jute Technology and Management: Eligibity is B.Sc with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and admission is through Admission Test/ Sponsorship from Jute Mills. (f) Junior Level Supervisor (JLS): Eligibility is Madhyamik (X) pass but Science Graduates are preferred. Admission is through Admission Test/ Sponsorship from Jute Mills.
All courses are approved by AICTE and University of Calcutta.
Laboratories:The institute has most modern laboratories in yarn manufacture, fabric manufactor, textile chemisty, colour chemistry, chemical process, textile physics & testing, technical textiles, mechanical engineering, electrical & electronics engineering and computer. Moreover, the institute has artisan training centres.
Library The institute has a well-maintained library with more than 1350 books. The library subscribes 32 national and 10 international journals. The library is connected with library networking facility.
Placement Institute of Jute Technology is a very prestigious institute and is well-known throughout the country. All students of the institute get placement offers from Jute, Textile and Fibre Industries. - Partha K.
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