About WMO Arts and Science College
WMO is an Arts and Science college affiliated towards the University of calicut.The college is aided by the Govt. Of Kerala and has been accredited by NAAC. The college is providing education to students of all castes and creeds. WMO Arts and Science College, Muttil is one of the best and NAAC accredited with A grade colleges in Wayanad District of Kerala State. WMO Arts and Science College is managed is also know as Wayanad Muslim Orphanage Arts and Science College, which was established in the year 1995. This institute is located in Wayanad District, contains many beautiful tourist places, which is known as Ooty of Kerala.
The main attraction of WMO College is its coolest atmosphere and beautiful campus environment. WMO Arts and Science College is affiliated to the University of Calicut, the major aim of management is the development of backward minorities, orphans and destitute. Within a few years, this college was developed as one of the best arts and science in Wayanad District based academic and sports activities.
Facilities Talking about facilities, WMO Arts and Science College has a huge library divided into different sections such as INFLIBNET, a discussion room, a reference section, a research room, etc. It offers resources in both printed as well as digital format. Rules are strict at this library. No one is allowed to carry their books inside the library, to be kept at the entrance. Cost of the book is to be paid, in case of any damage, tear or loss. Library is open from 9.00 AM till 3.30 PM on all working days.
For the benefit of students and staff, there is a gymnasium within the campus. A trainer and an assistant are always there to help, whenever needed. Outdoor games like Volleyball, Football, Badminton, Athletics, etc. are also available.
There is a most-modern restroom available on each floor of the building for girl students. These restrooms are well designed and equipped with specific feminine requirements.
Accommodation is a very important aspect for students pursuing higher studies, especially so for girls. There is a safe and secure hostel facility for outstation students. It is available at subsidized rates and offers healthy and hygienic food in the mess. Students need to submit a separate application form to avail this facility.
A student support center, an auditorium and a Co-operative store are also there on the campus. A canteen with a proper sitting area and serving hygienic food at reasonable cost is also available. Apart from the above, there is a separate prayer hall.
ActivitiesApart from academic activities, the college is having various clubs including NCC and NSS. NCC and NSS are aimed towards social service and the volunteers participating in these clubs learn about various social problems and work for them. They also learn about camping, campaigning, and teamwork.
There are various hobby-related clubs like the Tourism club, Readers club, Entrepreneurial Development club, Singing nest, Writing Circle, and many more. All these clubs nourish the budding interest in the students who participate in these groups completely due to their interest. - Padmini
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