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Kannur Medical College

Kannur Medical College is present in Thanjavur district of Anjarakandy Integrated Campus, Anjarakandy PO, Kannur, Kerala. Check this post to know the address details and contact numbers of this college. Also, get to know the affiliation details of this college and the courses offered by this college.
College Name: Kannur Medical College
Address: Anjarakandy Integrated Campus, Anjarakandy PO, Kannur - 670612 Kerala
City: Kannur   Colleges in Kannur
State: Kerala   Find Colleges in Kerala
Phone Number: 0497-2855000, 9446012400
Official Website:
University: Kerala University of Health Sciences
Other popular names: KMC

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Kannur Medical College

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About Kannur Medical College

Contact Information:
Dr. P P Venugopalan
Course: MBBS
, BDS, BSc. Nur, GNM
No. of seats: 100
Medical education in Kannur Medical College enjoys a world wide reputation for its high q uality content and rich hands on experience, it provides with international exp osure

For a country Like India this international orientation including education and training, is a must for survival in an increasingly internationalized world. Kannur Medical College is attempting to make medical education as accessible as possible to students. Kannur Medical College is subsidising the medical education, which means that tuition fees can be kept relatively low especially compared with the other institutions in the state.

Now, it has grown into the Kannur Medical College, with state-of-the-art facilities, and a dual commitment to excellence in medical care for every patient, and to produce the highest quality medical practitioners in the country. As at Kannur Medical College, needy patients are extended all levels of treatment at a competitive rate. Those unable to pay are given comprehensive, often highly specialised treatment free of charge.

The Kannur Me dical College has an excellent lab facilities, which are well-equipped with the most modern facilities to train the students in hospital laboratory practices and in other laboratory skills.

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Courses in Kannur Medical College

Course NameFeesSeats
M.D. Anatomy2
M.D. Bio-Chemistry1
M.D. Community Medicine2
M.D. Microbiology2
M.D. Pathology2
M.D. Pharmacology2
M.D. Physiology2
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Posted By: Dr.Ranjeeth Kumar    Posted Date: 25 Nov 2012   


University: Kerala University of Health Sciences

Posted By: selvakandasamy v    Posted Date: 04 Aug 2015   
The following details to be update

Mobile number:9446012400

Address:Kannur Medical College
Anjarakandy Integrated Campus
Anjarakandy PO,
Kannur - 670612 Kerala, India

Posted By: sobha wilson    Posted Date: 14 Mar 2021   
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