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James College Of Engineering And Technology, Kanyakumari

James College Of Engineering And Technology is located at Jamespuram, Navalkadu, Near Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District 629852. Check this college post to know about the courses offered, how to reach details and other relevant information about the college over here. Ask any related questions about this college in the Forum of this website. Also get to know the affiliation details of this college and the courses offered by this college.
College Name: James College Of Engineering And Technology, Kanyakumari
Address: Jamespuram, Navalkadu, Near Nagercoil,
Kanyakumari District 629852
City: Kanyakumari    Colleges in Kanyakumari
State: Tamil Nadu   Find Colleges in Tamil Nadu
Phone Number: 04652 - 282950, 7373067776, 7373067780
Official Website:
University: Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli
Other popular names: tnea

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James College Of Engineering And Technology

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About James College Of Engineering And Technology

A path-breaking citadel of technical education poised for a sublime performance of creating prodigious and well-disciplined engineer-leaders by hand-picked professors of remarkable erudition predominantly from the western countries, in a hauntingly pristine and idyllic campus of enthralling ambience at Jamespuram enshrining a wide range of palatial buildings, libraries, air-conditioned and multimedia smart class rooms, breath-taking computer land, vibrant laboratories, state-of-the–art workshops, homely hostels comfortably situated in ozone-rich location, recreation clubs, foreign language classes, western music sessions, frequent campus interviews, martial arts/yoga/sports/games, in-house hospital, cafeteria which generously serves sumptuous and nutritious cuisines and what not, all meticulously and inspiringly designed to ignite the fertile minds of starry-eyed youths who, in Jamespuram, will be groomed to become unparalleled world-class engineers! To excel anywhere!! Anytime!!!

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Courses in James College Of Engineering And Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E Civil Engineering
B.E Computer Science and EngineeringFor year 2011-12: Tution fee-Around Rs 50,000 per year Hostel fee-Rs 42,500 per year60
B.E. Electrical and Electronics EngineeringFor year 2011-12: Tution fee-Around Rs 50,000 per year. Hostel fee-Rs 42,500 per year60
B.E. Electronics & Communication EngineeringFor year 2011-12: Tution fee-Around Rs 60,000 per year. Hostel fee- Rs 42,500 per year.60
B.Tech. Information TechnologyTution fee-Around Rs 25,000 per year. 60
B.E Mechanical EngineeringFor year 2011-12: Tution fee-Around Rs 75,000 per year. Hostel fee-Rs 42,500 per year. 60
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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: muthu krishnan    Posted Date: 27 Jun 2011   
James College of Engineering and Technology is affiliated to Anna University of Technology,Tirunelveli.Here it is given as Anna University,Chennai.So please correct it.

Posted By: selvakandasamy v    Posted Date: 25 Jun 2015   
The following details to be update
Fax Number:04652 - 282950
Mobile Number: 07373067776 , 07373067780. 09489283264

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