About James College Of Engineering And Technology
A path-breaking citadel of technical education poised for a sublime performance of creating prodigious and well-disciplined engineer-leaders by hand-picked professors of remarkable erudition predominantly from the western countries, in a hauntingly pristine and idyllic campus of enthralling ambience at Jamespuram enshrining a wide range of palatial buildings, libraries, air-conditioned and multimedia smart class rooms, breath-taking computer land, vibrant laboratories, state-of-the–art workshops, homely hostels comfortably situated in ozone-rich location, recreation clubs, foreign language classes, western music sessions, frequent campus interviews, martial arts/yoga/sports/games, in-house hospital, cafeteria which generously serves sumptuous and nutritious cuisines and what not, all meticulously and inspiringly designed to ignite the fertile minds of starry-eyed youths who, in Jamespuram, will be groomed to become unparalleled world-class engineers! To excel anywhere!! Anytime!!!
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