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College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner

College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences is present in Bikaner , Rajasthan-334001. Check this post to know the address details and contact numbers of this college. Also get to know the affiliation details of this college and the courses offered by this college. Ask any related questions about this college in the Forum of this website.
College Name: College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner
Address: Bikaner , Rajasthan-334001
City: Bikaner   Colleges in Bikaner
State: Rajasthan   Find Colleges in Rajasthan
Phone Number:
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University: Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University

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College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

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About College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

The college is being functioning since 16, August 1954. It is spread over 200 acres of land in the city of Bikaner. The college is offering Graduation, Post-Graduation and Research Programmes in Veterinary and Animal Sciences.

It is having Livestock Research Station comprising of Dairy form and Poultry form and many other learning centeres for their students.
It is organizing NCC-wing for their students. It is having 5 boys hostels and a girls hostel, totally accommodating 250 students.

Financial Assistance:
1)University Merit Scholarships
2)Scholarships offered by the Government of India:
a)National scholarship scheme
b)National loan scholarship scheme
c)Need cum merit scholarship
d)Scholarship to children of political sufferers
3)scholarships awarded by the Director, PSE, Govt. of Raj:
a)Scholarship to the children of a government servant
b)National scholarship to the children of teachers
c)Women merit scholarship
4)Freeship and Half-freeship for Post-Graduation and Research Scholars.
Other scholarships: Mrs. Kusum Rathore Memorial Trust Scholarship, ICAR Research Fellowships, etc are being offered to the eligible students.

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Courses in College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Course NameFeesSeats
Master of Veterinary Science (M.V.Sc.)varies and as decided by the Universityvaries (75% through Pre-PG test by University and 25% through ICAR)
Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandryvaries and as decided by the University60 Regular + 15 Payment
Ph.D. Veterinary Sciencevaries and as decided by the UniversityOn the basis of subject-wise reservation roster as declared by the Dean, PG Studies.
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Reviews of College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

The College of Verterinary And Animal science 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
The College of Veterinary And Animal Sciences was Established in 1954 is now an Element of newly formed “ Rajasthan University Of veterinary and Animal Sciences” , Bikaner. The University aims to bring ...

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