Campus Representative of
Central College of Information Technology
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Central College of Information Technology
Central College of Information Technology, Raipur, was set up in response to the need of Chhattisgarh. It pioneered in IT, Commerce, Education, Science and Management - with radically different research based training philosophy. The belief in the great power of "Technology" has come down through ages. Starting with industrial revolution, journeying through lots of inventions and discoveries. Need is to Visualize and Evaluate the technological advancement. More importantly to accept and adopt technological innovations and advancement of the centuries. Our honorable Prime Minister rightly envisions "IT" as "India Tommorrow" Since 2001 Central College is run under the ages of Prerna Educational Society; a non-profit making organization, Registered under Society Act 1972 with Registration No. 67, established Central College, in the year 2001. Society is making all its efforts for acceptance and promotion of Information Technology and Management at Chhattisgarh State.
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