Campus Representative of
Nagar Yuvak Shikshak Sanstha, N.Y.S.S. College of Engineering & Research, Wanadongari.
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Nagar Yuvak Shikshak Sanstha, N.Y.S.S. College of Engineering & Research, Wanadongari.
Education comes from living life, following passions, accessing information, observing, reflecting, and being inspired by wise and courageous elders in the community" - Claire Aumonier
With this quote in mind Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha College of Engineering was established in the year 2008. The institution owes its foundation to the bold and inspired vision of Shri Dattaji Meghe. Chairman of Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha and is blooming under the able leadership of Shri Sagar Meghe and Shri Sameer Meghe. NYSS has drawn on the essence of tradition and sophistication of modermization to yield professionals that will make India proud.
The College is committed in preparing highly skilled workforce for enterprises and profession and as responsible citizens of India. THe College provides the state of art education so as to keep the pace of growth and development in tendem with the rapidly changing technologies.
The College's ambience forces a student to be aware of much more than his subject. The main attributes of NYSSCER is its versatility, articulation and even glibness. In the lottery of Educational life opting for a NYSSCER is like winning the first prize.
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