First,The Director/Principal name i.e written Dr.S G More is wrong as the principal of our college is Dr. Satish Takalikar from the starting when the college was started and his qualifications are Ph.D, M.Tech and BE(Mechanical Engineering) please add this information too if you can.
Second, the phone number i.e (02525) 645810/256834 is right but there is one more landline number of our college i.e (02525) 254846 you should add that number too.
Third, Mr. Albert W. D'Souza is the Chairman of our college and his qualifications are B.A, D.B.M and Diploma in Printing Technology.
Fourth, the official website written i.e "" is present but it's the official website of our Education Trust, official website of our college is "".
Fifth, the official email written i.e is email of our education trust and official email of our college is
Sixth, District of college was "Thane" but now after formation of new district our college comes in district "Palghar".
Seventh, Our college has started Diploma also for EXTC and CIVIL branch so if possible add this too.
Thanks, Deepak Shakyavanshi.