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Arya School of Management & Information Technology, bhubaneswar

Searching for institutions or colleges to gain a degree in Arts education stream in the city of Bhubaneswar-19? If this is what you are searching for, then you have landed on the right page. Check this post to know more information about Arya School of Management & Information Technology. This college imparts Arts and Science degree qualifying education. Get to know the telephone numbers, website and email address of the college. Also, get a chance to become a campus representative at IndiaStudyChannel for this college and guide people to get even more information about Arya School of Management & Information Technology.
College Name: Arya School of Management & Information Technology, bhubaneswar
Address: 320, Patrapad, Behind Sani Temple , Adjacent to NH.5 Bhubaneswar-19
City: bhubaneswar   Colleges in bhubaneswar
State: Odisha   Find Colleges in Odisha
Phone Number: 0674- 2470150, 0674- 2470151
Official Website:
University: Utkal University

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Arya School of Management & Information Technology

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About Arya School of Management & Information Technology

Information Technology is widely regarded as the industry of the future due to the ever growing applications of the IT in all spheres of life. The demand for those who are qualified and competent in IT is prophesied to grow for a long time to come - in spite of short term declines.
Indian IT qualified persons are working in the North America, Western Europe, Japan and South East Asia earning high remunerations. These countries are relaxing visa conditions and permitting more and more IT personnel from India to work in their countries. Within India also the persons employed in the IT sector is growing at more than 50% every year. Doors open for several avenues in challenging and rewarding careers for the IT graduates. These are software engineering, network & system management, internet programming, database management and administration, web design and management, multimedia production and programming, management information system, e-commerce and several emerging ones.
BCA is also a three-year full time degree course covering all the essential areas of computer education. This is a good foundation course for eventual Information Technology career.

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Courses in Arya School of Management & Information Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.C.A. Computer ApplicationRs 80,000; Lap Top Cost Rs 25, 000 Extra
B.Tech. Computer Engineering1st year -Rs 55,000;2nd year-Rs40,000;3rd year-Rs35000+20000x3
Master of Journalism and Mass Communication40,000; Lap Top Cost Rs 25, 000 Extra
B.B.A.Rs 80,000; Lap Top Cost Rs 25, 000 Extra
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