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Manipal College of Dental Sciences- Mangalore

Are you in a search of contact details of Manipal College of Dental Sciences- Mangalore? Find the updated contact details like full postal address, latest contact numbers of Manipal College of Dental Sciences- Mangalore at Mangalore-575001, Karnataka from this educational website.
College Name: Manipal College of Dental Sciences- Mangalore
Address: Manipal College of Dental Sciences
Light House Hill Road,

City: Mangalore   Colleges in Mangalore
State: Karnataka   Find Colleges in Karnataka
Phone Number: 0824-2428716
Official Website:
University: Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Other popular names: MCODS Mangalore

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Manipal College of Dental Sciences- Mangalore

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About Manipal College of Dental Sciences- Mangalore

The Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore was founded in 1987. It is a constituent college of Manipal University. Recognised by Dental Council of India and Malaysian Dental Council. Certified with ISO 9001:2008. The college is committed to provide value based dental education at par with international standards.Offers both bachelor and masters degree in dental sciences.

The Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore is also known as MCODS, is a part of Manipal University and this college offers Under Graduate, various Post Graduate / Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) and certificate course programs in Dental studies. Candidates under the General category, from India/Foreign/NRI, can apply with required minimum eligibility criteria for each program.

Accreditation: MCODS, Mangalore is an ISO 14001 certified institution recognized by the Malaysian Dental Council & the Nepal Dental Council and is also a certified training institute for MFDS (Royal college of surgery: Eddinbrough/Glasgow.) Besides this, for research activities, MCODS Mangalore has an alliance with many multinational companies, public agencies, ICMR, UGC, etc.

MCODS Mangalore is linked to two advanced hospitals at the Lighthouse hill and Attavar campuses in Mangalore to make available the best pre-clinical and clinical practice to their undergraduate and postgraduate students. Moreover, it was the Ist institute in India to get a fully loaded 3D cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) machine.

Facilities: MCODS, Mangalore has a centrally air-conditioned well-equipped library for undergraduate and postgraduate sections separately with the facility of the latest various national and international journals, Internet facilities, photocopying, Lecture Halls with audio-visual aids.

The college has excellent hostel accommodation for girls and boys separately with the facilities of Mess, Wi-Fi, etc. For first year students of this college, it is compulsory to stay in the hostel. Transportation facility from hostels to the institution is also provided.

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Courses in Manipal College of Dental Sciences- Mangalore

Course NameFeesSeats
B.D.S.Total course fee Rs. 26.60 Lakhs + Rs.10, 000/- caution deposit refundable
Certificate Course in Forensic OdontologyRs.25, 000/- approx.
Certificate Course in Minor Oral SurgeryRs. 30,000/- approx.
M.D.S. Conservative Dentistry and EndodonticsTotal Course fee appx. Rs.52,60,000/+caution deposit as applicable
M.D.S. Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryTotal course fee Appx.Rs 48, 10,000/-
M.D.S. Oral Medicine & RadiologyTotal course fee : approx. Rs.26,05,000/-
M.D.S. Orthodontics & Dentofacial OrthopedicsTotal course fee Appx. Rs 52,60,000/-
M.D.S. Pedodontics & Preventive DentistryTotal Course fee: approx. Rs 48,10,000/-
M.D.S. PeriodonticsTotal course fee Approx. Rs 34,60,000/-
M.D.S. ProsthodonticsRs.52,60,000/-
M.D.S. Public Health DentistryTotal Course fee: approx. Rs 32,23,000/-
PG Certificate in Restorative DentistryRs.4.5lakhs appx.
PG Diploma in Dental MaterialsRs.4.1lakhs approx.
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