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Nalanda Medical College & Hospital, Patna

Are you looking for information about Nalanda Medical College & Hospital located in Patna Bihar - 800026? Looking for admissions and results related to this college? Check this college post to know more about this institute along with address, website and contact details.
College Name: Nalanda Medical College & Hospital, Patna
Address: Nalanda Medical College,
Kankarbagh Main Road,
Bihar - 800026

Nalanda Medical Hospital,
Bihar - 800007
City: Patna   Colleges in Patna
State: Bihar   Find Colleges in Bihar
Phone Number: College - 0612-2354871/2354828, Hospital - 0612-2918523/2631159, Fax: 0612-2354871
Official Website:
University: Aryabhatta Knowledge University
Other popular names: Nalanda Medical College & Hospital, NMCH

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Nalanda Medical College & Hospital

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About Nalanda Medical College & Hospital

This is an good educational college in India.
Principle: Dr.(Mrs). Geeta Singh
(0612) 2354828 (O)
(0612-) 2361235 / 09470003569 (R)

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Courses in Nalanda Medical College & Hospital

Course NameFeesSeats
M.D. Anatomy3
M.D. Anesthesiology2
M.D. Bio-Chemistry3
M.D. Community Medicine3
M.D. Dermatology3
M.D. Forensic Medicine2
M.D. General Medicine12
M.D. Microbiology
M.D. Obstetrics and Gynaecology11
M.D. Paediatrics
M.D. Pharmacology4
M.D. Physiology4
MS General Surgery
MS Orthopaedics6
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Reviews of Nalanda Medical College & Hospital

Better but can be Best 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
Nalanda medical college(NMC) being in town is advantage to patnaites. The college is on d track of development but these processes are a bit slow. Recently the college has been approved to increase its MBBS seats from 50 to 100 by the Medical Council Of India, New Delhi. The state govt. is also taking good care of d college n very soon the college will be approved for starting PG course. After so much care by the authorities the college must also show its activity as far as its development which is in the hand of college is concerned. The dark side of the college is that if u enter d college u will get no sign of it being a medical college except for an old board displaying nalanda chikitsa mahavidyalay. The infrastructure should reflect the image of medical college which is not so in NMC. Apart from it the basic requirements like Hostel, College Canteen,Facilities like water cooler in college n hostel , Electric supply 24 hrs, e.t.c are very poor. If the college improves these things it can be the best medical college of Bihar.
- By waquas, 06 Sep 2009

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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: Gypsy    Posted Date: 23 Jun 2012   
Updated Website:

Posted By: Lokesh Lalan    Posted Date: 21 Jul 2013   
This college page seriously need much updates!

College name: Nalanda Medical College & Hospital, Patna

Address: (college) Nalanda Medical College, Kankarbagh Main Road, Patna - 800026
(hospital) Nalanda Medical Hospital, Agamkuan, Patna -800007

City: Patna

Phones: 0612-2354871/2354828 (college)
0612-2918523/2631159 (hospital)

Fax: 0612-2354871


Official website:

University: Aryabhatta Knowledge University

Principle: Dr.(Mrs). Geeta Singh
(0612) 2354828 (O)
(0612-) 2361235 / 09470003569 (R)


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