Campus Representative of
Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja College
Amar Nath Das
About Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja College
This is an good educational college in India.
The College is named after the great poet Laureate of Ghumsur Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja, whose creative genius and poetic imagination enriched Oriya Literature and gave a distinct identity to the language itself. The sylvan background, the view of the century-old reservoir and the shady mango grove provide an ideal atmosphere for healthy academic pursuit and dissemination of knowledge.This College was established in 1960. Dr.Harekrushna Mahatab, the then Chief Minister of Orissa laid the foundation stone. It was initially named as Bhanjanagar College but in 1972-73 the elite of the town renamed it as Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja College to mark the greatness of the poet and to keep alive his great ideals. Earlier it was affiliated to Utkal University in the faculty of Arts in 1960 and Science in 1963. After the establishment of Berhampur University in 1967, the College got affiliated to it. Since then it has made remarkable progress and taken great strides to acquire the present status. Besides imparting teaching in all the three streams - Science, Arts and Commerce, and Honours in a number of subjects, the College has ventured to undertake a good deal of vocational courses and self financing courses under UGC aided schemes and the State Government. It has introduced Mass Communication, Computer Application at the +3 stage and information Technology at the +2 stage.
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