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Shree H. N. Shukla College of IT & Management, Rajkot

Are you looking for information about the Shree H. N. Shukla College of IT & Management in Raiya Road, Rajkot? Check this college post to know about the details of Shree H. N. Shukla College of IT & Management, contact details, photographs and courses being offered.
College Name: Shree H. N. Shukla College of IT & Management, Rajkot
Address: 2-Vaishali Nagar, Nr. Amrapali Fatak,
Raiya Road,
City: Rajkot   Colleges in Rajkot
State: Gujarat   Find Colleges in Gujarat
Phone Number: (0281) 2224362, 2235030
Official Website:
University: Gujarat Technological University
Other popular names: H. N. Shukla College

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About Shree H. N. Shukla College of IT & Management

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Courses in Shree H. N. Shukla College of IT & Management

Course NameFeesSeats
M Tech Automobile160
M Tech Automobile
B.Com English & Business Communication
B.C.A. Computer Application
M.Sc Computer Science
M.A. Social Work
B.Sc Information Technology
M.Sc Information Technology
M.Sc Information Technology
LLB General
LLB General
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Reviews of Shree H. N. Shukla College of IT & Management

Offers various career oriented course in college. 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
Shree H.N. Shukla College of IT And Management college is located in Rajkot city center and affiliated to Saurashtra University Rajkot. The college provides various IT(Information Technology) and Managements courses in one college. The college has been established with the motto Sky is the Limit and as motto implies it going towards the development of more and more well educated students.The college staff and the students works together works hard to realize this motto. The college managements and staffs are not only interesting to teaches the students whatever is in syllabus. But they also conduct cultural and management activities to do some innovative. The following activities are carried out by college campus for development of youngs mind. -Festival Celibration. -Social Activities. -Academic Activities. -Informative movie & Picnic. -NCC camp. -Also organize IT fair. -Launch College Magazine : "Voice of H.N.S." every year. -Runs various clubs such as Social Club,Sports Club etc. The only books knowledge is not useful in real life but we have to develop some skills related to management and other personality skills. This college is best college for students who want to make their carrier in management and Information Technology field.
- By Kothari, 24 Feb 2011

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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: Gypsy    Posted Date: 10 Apr 2012   
Proper Name of the college:
Shree H. N. Shukla College of IT & Management

Proper Address:
Digvijay Main Road,
Nr. Shaligram Appartment,
Opp. Diwanpara Police Station,

Phone : (0281) 2224362, 2235030

E-Mail :,,


Posted By: Ninad    Posted Date: 04 May 2015   
Additional Email id of College is, supporthns @
The actual Phone number of college are (0281) 2440478, 2472590, 2471645.

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