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R. H. Patel Arts & Commerce College, Ahmedabad

R. H. Patel Arts & Commerce College is located at B/h. Vyas Vadi, Navawadaj, Ahmedabad – 380 013, Gujarat. Check this college post to know about the courses offered, how to reach details and other relevant information about the college over here. Ask any related questions about this college in the Forum of this website. Also get to know the affiliation details of this college and the courses offered by this college.
College Name: R. H. Patel Arts & Commerce College, Ahmedabad
Address: B/h. Vyas Vadi, Navawadaj, Ahmedabad – 380 013. (1991) (G) (B)
DIST.:Ahmadabad 380 013 GUJARAT
City: Ahmedabad   Colleges in Ahmedabad
State: Gujarat   Find Colleges in Gujarat
Phone Number: (079) 27644878, (M) 9824233234
Official Website:
University: Gujarat University

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R. H. Patel Arts & Commerce College

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About R. H. Patel Arts & Commerce College

R. H. Patel Arts & Commerce College (estd. 1991), affiliated to GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, has been one of the prominent educational institutions of Ahmedabad, catering qualitative higher education to a large populace of the city for the last one and a half decades. The college is situated in a large beautiful campus in a peaceful area, and has the facilities of a large playground and a rich library. The dedicated and devoted teachers of the institution have always aimed at over-all development of the students. The college aims at making its students well-equipped with all the qualitative skills which are the need of the day. To achieve its objectives, the college organizes seminars, debates, discussions, lecture-series, General-Knowledge quiz, dramatics, sports and community development activities. We, at the campus, do hope to achieve brilliant results in the forthcoming years. Our students do envisage a bright future dawning

Subjects : (I) B.A. (Prin.) & (Subsi.) Gujarati , Economics, English, Sanskrit, Hindi, History, B.A. (Subsi.) Functional Hindi, Comp. Application, Defence Studies, SP, Statistics, (II) B.Com (Main) Advanced Accounting & Auditing, B.Com (Subsi.) Secretarial Practice, Business Communication M.A. Gujarati, M.Com. Costing.

Principal : Shri S. N. Iyer

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Courses in R. H. Patel Arts & Commerce College

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Com Accountancy
B.Com Business Management
B.Com Secretarial Practice
B.A. Computer Science
B.A. Defence Studies
B.A. Economics
B.A. History
B.A. English
B.A. Gujarati
B.A. Hindi
B.A. Sanskrit
M.A. Gujarati
B.A. Statistics
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