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Dayanand Anglo Vedic College Jalandhar, Jalandhar

Would you like to apply to Dayanand Anglo Vedic College Jalandhar for admissions? Find out below the contact numbers of the Dayanand Anglo Vedic College Jalandhar at Jalandhar, to know the college fees & admission process.
College Name: Dayanand Anglo Vedic College Jalandhar, Jalandhar
Address: Mahatma Hans Raj Marg, Dayanand Nagar Jalandhar Punjab India
City: Jalandhar    Colleges in Jalandhar
State: Punjab   Find Colleges in Punjab
Phone Number: 91-181-2255641
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University: Punjab Technical University
Other popular names: DAV

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About Dayanand Anglo Vedic College Jalandhar

The DAV society made a tryst with destiny 117 years ago for the spread of education in India. Since then it has opened schools, colleges and technical institutions in all parts of India, from the metros to the remotest corners of the country. Right from the start, carefully planned teaching innovations have been adopted, which have lead to better teaching. The most modern of devices and teaching aids are in use, since that is in a way is the very raison d'être of the DAV's existence. Furthermore it has become clear to all concerned that science would have to bulk large in teaching and in research. We have therefore to give pride of place to the sciences and are attuning ourselves to the rhythm of today.

Due to this effort, the DAV has also been seen as a precursor of change. To blend the best of modernity with tradition. To seek the best from the world over and yet carry along with us our values that form the basis of every action of every day life.

This process of gradual evolution that the DAV brings about is not just limited to students, but to all those associated with it, be they teachers, administrators, staff or parents.

I see the DAV today, more than just an institution or an organization. It is a way of life that crosses all barriers of caste, creed, race or religion. Now with this website, even geographical barriers are surpassed. This is so because at the core of our existence is enshrined the guiding principles by Maharishi Swami Dayanand ji and Mahatma Hansraj ji they are the basic human values that have to be accepted the world over, for us to build a better tomorrow. We try to do this by instilling the core values into every man woman and child, towards the foundation of a more glorious future, because in education lies the greatest service to the individual, to the nation and to humanity.

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