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Cachar College

Cachar College is located at Silchar, Assam. Read this post to know more about the phone number, email address, website and university links. Get a chance to represent this college if you have studied from this institute in your student days as well.
College Name: Cachar College
Address: Trunk Road, Silchar,
Cachar, Assam, India,
Pin - 788001
City: Cachar   Colleges in Cachar
State: Assam   Find Colleges in Assam
Phone Number: +91-3842-246953 and +91-3842-246033
Official Website:
University: Assam University
Other popular names: Cachar College

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About Cachar College

Cachar College is located on the artery of Silchar (in the district of Cachar), the largest city of Barak Valley and the second largest city of the state of Assam. Cachar College is situated in such an area which has a long and chequered social, cultural, educational and intellectual history. The college, by virtue of its chronological status of being the second seat of higher education in this township, has contributed profusely to the making of history .
The college is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with B+ status.

Facilities: Library, Canteen, Computer Center, Health Center, Gym, Hostel for girls only, and Book Bank for financially poor students.

Educational Programs: The college offers Intermediate, and Graduate courses in Arts, Commerce and Science, as well as Diploma Courses.

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Courses in Cachar College

Course NameFeesSeats
B.A Education150 (day students) 150 for (afternoon students)
B.Sc. General120
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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: Parthankar    Posted Date: 10 Jul 2010   
Dear Sir/ Ma'm
Please note that the actual Phone no of cachar College, Silchar is +91-3842-246953 and +91-3842-246033.
I donot know, how my residence number has been picked up as the Cachar College number. Sice this information was not gathered from genuine sources, I face lot of problems, as almost everyday telephones come at my house asking IS IT CACHAR COLLEGE?
Please get it corrected as early as possible.
-Dr. P. Choudhury

Posted By: Vandana    Posted Date: 13 Jul 2010   
The college is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with B+ status.

Facilities: Library, Canteen, Computer Center, Health Center, Gym, Hostel for girls only, and Book Bank for financially poor students.

Educational Programs: The college offers Intermediate, and Graduate courses in Arts, Commerce and Science, as well as Diploma Courses.

Posted By: sobha wilson    Posted Date: 19 May 2020   
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