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Abdul Kalam Institute of Technological Sciences, Vepalagadda

Do you want to know more about the Abdul Kalam Institute of Technological Sciences? Are you looking for information about where this college is located in Erode? Read this college post to know the address and telephone contact details of this college and also information about the courses offered by this college at Vepalagadda, Kothagudem, Khammam.
College Name: Abdul Kalam Institute of Technological Sciences, Vepalagadda
Address: Abdul Kalam Institute of Technology and Science, Vepalagadda, Kothagudem, Khammam-507120
City: Vepalagadda   Colleges in Vepalagadda
State: Telangana   Find Colleges in Telangana
Phone Number: 9133397889, 9866698961, 9133397888, 9704691888
Official Website:
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Other popular names: Abdul Kalam Institute of Technology and Science

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Abdul Kalam Institute of Technological Sciences

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About Abdul Kalam Institute of Technological Sciences

This is a private Engineering college recognized by AICTE and affiliated to JNTU.


The college has well ventilated and airy classrooms with a capacity of 60 students. There are a total of 36 classrooms and 15 tutorial rooms. E-classrooms are also available for every department.

The college has a well-stocked library with approximately 32,000 books available at present catering to the needs of all branches of engineering. To catch developments in the field of engineering both national and international journals are made available to students. For tech-savvy students, a digital library is also available. A user may be able to access journals, magazines online through this digital library.

The college has a huge seminar hall with a capacity of 300 to 400 students. All equipment such as projectors, sound control systems is installed for smoothly conducting seminars and workshops. For maintaining the mental and physical health of students colleges have indoor and outdoor games facilities which include, cricket, tennis, volleyball chess, table tennis etc. For swift transportation, the college has its fleet of buses.

The college provides a dining facility to students which are efficient in serving nutritious food to students meeting all health requirements. The menu is pre-decided keeping in mind the opinions of students and also seasonal fruits are made available for the healthy development of students. Accommodations are designed beautifully and named after some of the important rivers of India. There is proper maintenance of hygiene and sanitation in washrooms and hot and cold water is available 24 hours. Wi-fi facility is available round the clock for students. Purified water is provided to students to avoid any type of waterborne disease.

For improving pronunciation skills and linguistic skills of students a language lab is created. It is equipped with the necessary equipment and software. 'Linguaphone' software a acquired to prepare students for competitive examinations such as TOEFL, GRE etc.

- Dev Arora

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Courses in Abdul Kalam Institute of Technological Sciences

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineeringconvenor quota :32,000,Management quota:98,000120
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineeringconvenor quota :32,000,Management quota:98,000120
M.C.Aconvenor quota :32,000,Management quota:98,00060
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineeringcconvenor quota 32,000,management quota 98,000120
B.Tech. Information Technologyconvenor quota :32,000,Management quota:98,00060
M.B.Aconvenor quota :32,000,Management quota:98,00060
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