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Tripura Institute of Technology, Narsingarh

Check this college post to find information about the Tripura Institute of Technology at Tripura, Agartala. Get to know the telephone number, email address, address of this college. Also, find information about the college and the entrance exam results and admissions to this college.
College Name: Tripura Institute of Technology, Narsingarh
Address: PO: Agartala Aerodrome,
Tripura (West)-799009
City: Narsingarh   Colleges in Narsingarh
State: Tripura   Find Colleges in Tripura
Phone Number: +91 381 2342 330 /+91 381 234 322
Official Website:
University: Tripura University

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Tripura Institute of Technology

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About Tripura Institute of Technology

The Institute is situated at Narsingarh in the West Tripura district of Tripura, an ideal setting for a seat of technical education with a backdrop of quiet and pristine surroundings. Located at a distance of 12 km from Agartala main city and 1 km from Agartala Airport.

The Institute is fully equipped with Class rooms, Tutorial Halls, Laboratories, Workshops, LRUC, Central Library, Conference Hall, Central Computing facilities, Auditorium, Campus LAN with Internet & Intercom facilities etc. A additional state of the art new Academic and administrative Buildings adjacent to the present campus will come up by 2009.

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Courses in Tripura Institute of Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
Diploma Architectural AssistantshipRs:-3000/ per semister20
B.E Civil EngineeringRs:-5000/ per semister60
Diploma Civil EngineeringRs:-3000/ per semister40
B.E Computer Science and EngineeringRs:-5000/ per semister60
Diploma Computer Science and TechnologyRs:-3000/ per semister40
Diploma Electrical Engineering (DEE)
B.E. Electronics & Tele-Communication EngineeringRs:-5000/ per semister60
Diploma Electronics Engineering (DEE)Rs:-3000/ per semister30
Dip. Food Processing and TechnologyRs:-3000/ per semister30
Diploma Mechanical EngineeringRs:-3000/ per semister40
B.E Mechanical EngineeringRs:-5000/- per semister60
M.E. Mining EngineeringRs:-3000/ per semister30
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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: Rupesh Das    Posted Date: 07 Oct 2010   
I found the mistake in phone no.
and the correct one is +91 381 2342 330 /+91 381 234 322.
Now new Principal joined in the college few days ago.

Posted By: sobha wilson    Posted Date: 07 Jan 2020   
website -

email -

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