Campus Representative of
Madho Ram Daya Ram Sanatam Dharam Girls College (M D S D Girls College)
 (We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Madho Ram Daya Ram Sanatam Dharam Girls College (M D S D Girls College)
M.D.S.D Girls College, Ambala City, affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra is a girls Institution with both Arts & Commerce faculties and M.A. in Music, Yoga and Health. The College has been accredited ‘B+' by the NAAC. The college is located on the outskirts of Ambala City, about 1 k.m form G.T Road, Manji Sahib Gurudwara Chowk. Ever since its inception in 1980, the college has been aiming at the multidimensional development of students by not only imparting intellectual training but also reinforcing moral values. College has, over years, established itself as an abode of academic excellence with laurels coming its way in Academics, Sports and other Co-curricular activities. The institution has secured an honourable status in Kurukshetra University by being declared the Best Women College of The Zone consecutively for many years. Keeping in view the demands of the time, girls are encouraged, directed and provided Vocational trainings to enable them to become successful entrepreneurs in future. Many vocational courses running in Commerce, Computers & Arts bear testimony to the fact.
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