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Payyannur college, kannur

Searching for a Payyannur college in Kannur Dist.? Check this college post to know more about Payyannur college and the courses offered. Also, get to know information about the college infrastructure and details as to how to reach this college.
College Name: Payyannur college, kannur
Address: P.O.Edatt,Kannur Dist.670327
City: kannur   Colleges in kannur
State: Kerala   Find Colleges in Kerala
Phone Number: 0497-2805121, 0497-2805521
Official Website:
University: Kannur University

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Payyannur college

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About Payyannur college

Payyanur college is an arts and science college offering post graduate and degree level courses.It is affiliated to Kannur university.The college is started functioning from 1965.It is a well known college in producing best results in university examinations.

The College presently offers courses in three post-graduate and 13 graduate disciplines.

PG Courses:
M.Sc Mathematics

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Courses in Payyannur college

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Sc. ChemistryAs per government norms35
M.Sc. ChemistryAs per govt. order12
B.Com Tax Procedure & PracticesAs per government norms60
B.A. EconomicsAs per govt. order60
B.A. HistoryAs per govt. order40
B.Tech. Industrial EngineeringAs per govt. order12
ME Industrial EngineeringAs per govt. order35
Certificate course in Advanced Jewellery DesignAs per govt. order30
B.A. EnglishAs per govt. order40
B.A. HindiAs per govt. order40
B.A. MalayalamAs per govt. order40
M.A. EnglishAs per government norms12
Ph.D. HindiAs per government norms
B.Sc. MathematicsAs per govt. order40
M.Sc. MathematicsAs per government norms15
Ph.D. MathsAs per government norms
B.Sc. PhysicsAs per govt. order35
M.Sc. PhysicsAs per government norms12
Ph.D. PhysicsAs per government norms
B.A. Political ScienceAs per govt. order40
B.Sc. ZoologyAs per govt. order35
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Posted By: Nitha Shyson    Posted Date: 19 Aug 2011   
The college was established on 5th July 1965.

Courses Offered are:

The College presently offers courses in three post-graduate and 13 graduate disciplines.

PG Courses:
M.Sc Mathematics
M.Sc Physics
M.Sc Chemistry

Degree Courses:

B.Sc Mathematics (Physics & Statistics as subsidiaries)
B.Sc Physics (Math & Chemistry as subsidiaries)
B.Sc Chemistry (Math and Physics as subsidiaries)
B.Sc Zoology (Botany & Chemistry as subsidiaries)
B.Sc Botany (Zoology & Chemistry as subsidiaries)

Social Sciences:
BA Political Sciences (History & Economics as subsidiaries)
BA History (Political Science & Economics as subsidiaries)
BA Economics (History & Statistics as subsidiaries)

Language and Literature:
BA English (British History & Political Science as subsidiaries)
BA Malayalam (Cultural History of Kerala & Sanskrit as subsidiaries)
BA Hindi (Cultural History of India & Secretarial Practice as subsidiaries)

Language and Communication:
BA Functional Hindi

B.Com Income Tax Law & Practice

Posted By: sobha wilson    Posted Date: 29 Jun 2020   
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