Campus Representative of
Surya Mukhi Dinesh Ayurved Medical College & Hospital
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Surya Mukhi Dinesh Ayurved Medical College & Hospital
It is an Ayurvedic degree college.
Suryamukhi Dinesh Ayurved Medical College & Hospital was founded in the year 1989. It is an Ayurveda college which is affiliated to Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh in Jharkhand. The college campus is spread in an area of 3 acres.
Course offered Suryamukhi Dinesh Ayurved Medical College & Hospital offers Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery(B.A.M.S.) course, whose duration is 5 1/2 years. The admission to this course is done through the entrance exam conducted by college authority.
Facilities The infrastructure of the college is well maintained. The administrative block, academic block, hostel, canteen are well-developed. The library has collection of around 6000 books, journals, projects which are related to medical field. The laboratories are also well equipped. Herbal garden and museum is also present in the campus where students can learn about different plant and their uses in making the medicine. The hostel facility is also available for boys and girls. The college also provides canteen facility where hygienic food is available. The students are also provided transport facility. - Madhvee Chaubey
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