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Ananda marga Polytechnic College, Kolar

Check this college post to know more information about the Ananda marga Polytechnic College located in Kolar, Karnataka-563130. Get information about address, email address, website and telephone number to know as to getting in touch with this college. Find more information about the courses offered by this college and how to take admissions to get a degree through this institute.
College Name: Ananda marga Polytechnic College, Kolar
Address: Veerappanagar, Kudiyanur Post, Malur Taluk, Kolar, Karnataka-563130
City: Kolar   Colleges in Kolar
State: Karnataka   Find Colleges in Karnataka
Phone Number: Telephone: +91-8151-211481, 232078, 9448129828, Fax: +91-8151-232078
Official Website:
University: Gulbarga University
Other popular names: Ananda marga Polytechnic

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Ananda marga Polytechnic College

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About Ananda marga Polytechnic College

Established in the year 1986, with the purpose of providing technical education to the rural people, and spread over the campus of nearly 10 acres of land, the Ananda Marga Polytechnic is directly run by its Management Committee, and is supervised and controlled by the Education Relief and Welfare Section (ERAWS) of the Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (in short AMPS, registered under the Society Act of West Bengal) through the Governing Council of its local unit “Ananda Marga Education Relief and Welfare Center, Mylandahalli." We would also let you know that the AMPS, perhaps, is the only organization, which has been declared as “religious denomination" by the Supreme Court of India thereby allowing the citizen of India, to freely and fearlessly participate in its cultural and religious activities (Please refer AIR 1984, Volume 71, Supreme Court Section, Page No. 56). Being an important section of the AMPS, the ERAWS is running more than 1500 schools in India and abroad. Additionally it has been running a large network of children's home, rural development centre, retiring homes, charitable dispensaries, medical clinics, hospitals, cheap kitchens etc., throughout the globe. Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (registered as a United Nations' NGO in its own right) is successfully carrying out disaster relief amongst suffering humanity during cyclone, flood, earthquake and drought. Ananda Marga Polytechnic thus, is a part of the global service network of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. The three years Diploma Engineering Certificate holders of this institute are eligible to recruitment into technical posts and services in the private and public sector units, like banks, TISCO, TELCO, Infosys, Wipro, etc., and in the Sate and Central Govt. offices like railways and various engineering deptt. Our students are working in Gulf and European Countries also.

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