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Shri Ram Institute of Technology, Jabalpur

Shri Ram Institute of Technology is located at Jabalpur-482002. Check this college post to know about the courses offered, how to reach details and other relevant information about the college over here. Ask any related questions about this college in the Forum of this website. Also get to know the affiliation details of this college and the courses offered by this college.
College Name: Shri Ram Institute of Technology, Jabalpur
Address: Shri Ram Institute of Technology,
Near ITI, Madhotal, Jabalpur-482002
City: Jabalpur   Colleges in Jabalpur
State: Madhya Pradesh   Find Colleges in Madhya Pradesh
Phone Number: 07614001931
Official Website:
University: Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya
Other popular names: Shri Ram Institute of Technology

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Shri Ram Institute of Technology

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About Shri Ram Institute of Technology

BE Affiliated Institutions under RGP(TU), the college is very good,
the campus is the merger of 4 colleges, SRIT,SRIM,SRIST,RSSGA

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Courses in Shri Ram Institute of Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E Civil Engineering50000120
B.E. Communication Engineering240
B.E Computer Science and Engineering60
B.E. Computer Engineering50000180
M.Tech. Computer Science & Technology6000025
B.E. Electronics Engineering50000120
B.E Mechanical Engineering50000120
Diploma Pharmacy3000060
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Reviews of Shri Ram Institute of Technology

SRIT 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
I have studied in this college, passed out in 2006 IT branch. At that time this college is at its best, but now, its condition is average, but there are well experienced teachers, labs are good with internet facilities, it is very near to the railway station and bus-stand, so no problem for the transportation. The college campus is 12 acre(approx), but only concrete structure is there, no trees and no proper channel of draining the water. SRIT campus has BE, MCA, MBA, ME, D.pharma, B.pharma courses. This college has only girls hostel facilities which is very good, no boys hotel, so boys should have to stay near the college, because the college is not far from the main city, it is almost in the city, now. this is the only college which is near to railway station, bus stand, and main city hospital, etc. But I will recommend this college to join because the college has lass fees and experienced teachers
- By Vijay Kumar Vishwakarma, 11 Jan 2010

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Posted By: ankitsaraf    Posted Date: 12 Jan 2010   
shri ram institute also provide M.B.A.,

Posted By: Vijay Kumar Vishwakarma    Posted Date: 16 Mar 2010   
This institute if managed by the Rewa Shiksha Samiti group of institutions Jabalpur, under the leader ship of Dr. S.P. Kosta, the X-Director of ISRO Bangalore, Its a fine - free college, with strict the Anti-Ragging Committee.

This college is established in 2001 and many of the students are placed in MNCs, due to best TPO of this college. The Training and Placement Office is Headed by Mr. Vivek Rapoot, he is also working as professor in MBA department.

The college is also established NCC for the student for extra-co curricular activities in the college. College has hosted many cricket events and project display completions, National level seminars, etc.

This is the sister institute of TIT, Bhopal. The college is situated near the city of Jabalpur, the college has its own transportation facility. By city bus you can also reach to this college. This college is 4km away from Railway station and 1.5kn away from Bus stand.

Director : Dr. S.P. Kosta
Principal : Dr. Noel George
Chairman : Mr. Kasoliya

The college provides following courses:
1. Bachelor Program:
a. Information Technology
b. Computer Science
c. Mechanical Engineering
d. Electronics & Communication
e. Electrical & Electronics
f. Pharmacy

2. Master Program
a. Master in Computer Application
b. Master in Business Administration
c. Master in Engineering (CS)
d. Master in Pharmaceuticals

The college has modernize lab, with 24/7 internet facility, teaching staff is well experienced. Library is one of the biggest college library in Jabalpur with thousands of books, Journals, Newspapers, etc.

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