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Amar Singh College, Srinagar

This post provides information about Amar Singh College located at Jammu & Kashmir, Postal Code: 190008. This college is located along the East Coast road in Sathak Nagar and provides various Engineering courses. Check this post to know more details about the contact details, facilities and courses provided by this college.
College Name: Amar Singh College, Srinagar
Address: Gogji Bagh Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, Postal Code: 190008
City: Srinagar   Colleges in Srinagar
State: Jammu and Kashmir   Find Colleges in Jammu and Kashmir
Phone Number: 0194-2310227
Official Website:
University: University of Kashmir
Other popular names: ASC, Srinagar

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Courses in Amar Singh College

Course NameFeesSeats
B.C.A. Computer ApplicationFee is set by the norms of Kashmir University to both open merit and payment seatsCandidates having passed Class-XII ( HSS Part II ) examination are eligible to appear
B.A EducationThe fee charged here is set by Kashmir University .It ranges from Rs.2500 to RS. 3000The student seeking admission for B.A programmes are required to have obtained 40% - 45% marks
B.Sc. (ASLP)Fee is set by the norms of Kashmir University .It ranges from RS. 2500 - RS3500Student must have passed HSS with percentage of 45-50% ,in case of reserved categories it is 35-45%
B.A. Tourism & Travel ManagementFee is set by the norms of Kashmir University to both open merit and payment seatson the basis of marks obtained in 12th class. in case of reserved catergory 5 % is added to them
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Posted By: Kalyani    Posted Date: 03 Oct 2015   
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