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Bhawanipur Hastinapur Bijni College, Barpeta

Are you looking for information about the B. H. B. College located in Sarupeta, Assam? Check this college post to know more about the Institute and find information about the address, contact details and get to become a campus representative of the institute.
College Name: Bhawanipur Hastinapur Bijni College, Barpeta
Address: P.O.- Sarupeta, Dist.- Barpeta
Pin- 781318, Assam
City: Barpeta   Colleges in Barpeta
State: Assam   Find Colleges in Assam
Phone Number: 03666-244513, 9954934342,
Official Website:
University: Gauhati University
Other popular names: B. H. B. College

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Bhawanipur Hastinapur Bijni College

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About Bhawanipur Hastinapur Bijni College

(B.H.B.) College (affiliated to Gauhati University) was established on the 1st day of July 1971, as an institution of higher education at Sarupeta, the central place of the vast area comprising 3 Mouzas – Bhawanipur, Hastinapur and Bijni under Bajali sub-division of Barpeta District. Beginning with a small batch of students in the Sarupeta High School Campus, it subsequently moved to its present site in 1976. The untiring efforts of the local people, the members of both the teaching and non-teaching staff, and the Governing Body contributed a lot to the growth and development of the college. Ultimately, it was brought under the deficit grant-in-aid system by the Govt. of Assam in 1983. The college has also received recognition by the University Grants Commission under section 2(f) of the U.G.C. Act, 1956.

Estd. 1971

Course Affiliated to GU: B. A.

Intake: B. A.: 1st Year- 240, 2nd Year- 240, 3rd Year- 240;

Major Subjects: B. A.: Assamese, Education, Political Science

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Courses in Bhawanipur Hastinapur Bijni College

Course NameFeesSeats
B.A. Economics
B.A Education
B.A. Assamese
B.A. English
B.A. Sanskrit
B.A. Philosophy
B.A. Political Science
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Posted By: Prasanta Borah    Posted Date: 19 Dec 2009   
University : Gauhati University
Website :
Address : Sarupeta Post, Barpeta District, PIN: 781 318, Assam

Posted By: sobha wilson    Posted Date: 19 May 2020   
Full name of the college - Bhawanipur Hastinapur Bijni College

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Posted By: sobha wilson    Posted Date: 16 Mar 2021   
University - Gauhati University

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Posted By: sobha wilson    Posted Date: 07 Mar 2023   
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Posted By: Vimaldev    Posted Date: 23 Sep 2023   
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Posted By: Vimaldev    Posted Date: 02 Feb 2024   
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