Campus Representative of
Nitte Mahalinga Adyantaya Institute of Technology
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Nitte Mahalinga Adyantaya Institute of Technology
NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte was established in 1986 in memory of Nitte Mahalinga Adyanthaya, a distinguished engineer of the district. The college is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum and is recognised by the All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi. It is accredited by the National Board for Accreditation (NBA). NMAMIT has been certified to the ISO 9001-2000 standards for quality education by KEMA, Netherlands.
NMAM Institute of Technology actively pursues the motto - To strive for excellence.
To offer to the nation well trained and disciplined youth. To encourage the rural students to partake in the development of our society. To enable our students to pursue their dreams with confidence and knowledge. To help them excel in their field of technology.
The institute offers the following branches - Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Information Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Bio-Technology and M.C.A.
The Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) has opened its P.G. extention centre at NMAMIT. The centre offers a M.Tech in Micro-Electronics & Control Systems.
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