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Akkineni Nageswara Rao College, Gudivada

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College Name: Akkineni Nageswara Rao College, Gudivada
Address: Post Box No. 20, GUDIVADA - 521 301,
Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
City: Gudivada   Colleges in Gudivada
State: Andhra Pradesh   Find Colleges in Andhra Pradesh
Phone Number: 08674-242145, 245737, 246046, 241449 (F)
Official Website:
University: Acharya Nagarjuna University

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About Akkineni Nageswara Rao College

The KG Prasada Rao - Akkineni Nageswara Rao College of Education is the sister institution of the Akkineni Nageswara Rao College, Gudivada. The Akkineni Nageswara Rao College is the result of the munificence and zeal for higher education of the people of Gudivada Taluk and of the neighbouring taluks in Krishna District lead by local visionaries consisting of Sri Parvathaneni Venkataratnam (President), Sri Kaza Venkataramaiah (Secretary), Sri Uppalapati Veerabhadra Rao (Treasurer), Sri Vemulapalli Ramabrahmam (Joint Secretary) and Sarvasri Vadde Sobhanadri, Sri Lingam Venkata Krishnaiah and Sri Upadrasta Papanna Sastry as members.

The original Degree College was formally inaugurated under the name "The Gudivada College" by Prof. V.S.Krishna, B.A., (Oxon), Ph.D. (Vienna), the Vice-Chancellor of the Andhra University, on July 6 th, 1950

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Courses in Akkineni Nageswara Rao College

Course NameFeesSeats
M Tech AutomobileRs. 4300 approximately36
M.Sc. BotanyRs. 20,000 approximately24
M.Sc. MicrobiologyRs. 26,000 approximately24
M.Sc. ChemistryRs. 26,000 approximately30
B.ComAs per university norms60
M.Com CommerceRs. 7000 approximately50
B.E. EXTCRs. 14,000 approximately40
M.C.ARs. 25,000 approximately60
B.A EducationRs. 1300 approximately60
B.Edas per university norms120
B.Tech. Industrial EngineeringRs. 20,000 approximately30
M.B.ARs. 25,000 appoximately60
B.Sc. Mathematics, Statistics, Computer ScienceAs per university norms66
B.Sc. PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)Rs. 1600 for telugu medium and Rs. 4300 for english medium60 seats for telugu medium and 30 seats for english medium
B.Sc.PMCSAs per university norms66
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