Campus Representative of
P.r.r.m College of Engineering
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About P.r.r.m College of Engineering
PATNAM RAJENDER REDDY MEMORIAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE SHABAD, R.R DISTRICT AFFILIATED TO THE J.N.T.U, HYDERABAD. PRRM ENGINEERING COLLEGE is sponsored by the PATNAM RAJENDAR REDDY MEMORIAL EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY,registered under the societies act. The college has been approved by the ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION, NEW DELHI, Wide Lr no: 730-5-276/E/ET/98, dated 9-6-98 and approved by government of ANDHRA PRADESH Wide G.O. Ms no:286, dated 26-8-98. The college was started in NOVEMBER 1998.The first batch graduated in 2002 with a pass percentage of 98.6.
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