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Lukhdhirji College of Engineering, MORBI

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College Name: Lukhdhirji College of Engineering, MORBI

City: MORBI   Colleges in MORBI
State: Gujarat   Find Colleges in Gujarat
Phone Number: 02822 - 240743, +91-079-23248119
Official Website:
University: Gujarat Technological University
Other popular names: Lce

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Lukhdhirji College of Engineering


About Lukhdhirji College of Engineering

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Courses in Lukhdhirji College of Engineering

Course NameFeesSeats
Diploma Ceramic Technology500 per annum60 seats plus 6 as tuition fee waiver
B.E Chemical Engineering1500 per year60+6 for tuition fee waiver students
BE Chemical500 per year
Diploma Metallurgical Engineering1000 per year60 seat
B.E Civil Engineering60
B.E.Tuition Fee Per Annum Rs. 1,636 60
B.E. Water Resource Engineering18
Diploma Civil Engineering500 per year
B.E. Computer EngineeringTuition Fee Per Annum Rs. 1,636 60
B.E Electrical EngineeringTuition Fee Per Annum Rs. 1,636 120
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering60
Diploma Electrical Engineering (DEE)500 per year
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering1500 per year60 plus 6 for tuition fee waiver scheme
Diploma Mechanical Engineering1000 per year60 seat
B.E. Industrial Engineering30
B.Tech. Information Technology30
Diploma Information Technology1000 per year60 seat
B.E Mechanical Engineering60
B.E. Production Engineering30
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Reviews of Lukhdhirji College of Engineering

OLD IS GOLD 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
The college is a old college built in the traditional hindu style. The college looks like a bungalow. There is lush green areas in the college. But the gardens are very poorly maintained. The college campus is a nice one. The principle of the college is an old man but his heart is really young. You can talk to him on any topics, even about films and bollywood. The teachers are very nice. The college is located in a small city of morbi, located in Rajkot district and not panchmahal district as shown in introduction. The college is only 2km away from the railway station. The railway station of morbi is connected to Wankaner railway station from where a DEMU runs upto morbi. Wankaner falls on the main line between Ahmedabad and Rajkot. The college has seen the tragedy of Machchhu dam burst when more than 200 people were brought in the college campus and they were buried under there. The college staff is very nice. The chemical HOD is from IIT Madras.
- By Alok Pratap Singh, 01 May 2010

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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: Alok Pratap Singh    Posted Date: 01 May 2010   
The college is located in the city of Morbi in the Rajkot district and not in Panchamahals. The location is near the Gulf Of Kutch.

Posted By: Alok Pratap Singh    Posted Date: 01 May 2010   
The college is never affliated to the Gujarat University. It is affliated to Saurashtra University, Rajkot.

Its name is Lukhdhirji College of Engineering. It is better known as L.E.C. or L.E. College

Posted By: Alok Pratap Singh    Posted Date: 01 May 2010   
Chemical Engineering courses also have begun from 2008. It has intake of 60 plus 6. 6 is for students from tuition fee waiver scheme.

Posted By: Alok Pratap Singh    Posted Date: 22 Oct 2010   
Dear Moderator,
The college is located in the Morbi town of the Rajkot district and not in the panchmahal district. Please correct it.

Posted By: Aman sinha    Posted Date: 06 Dec 2010   
Lukhdhirji engineering college is in morbi which is in district -rajkot and not in panchmahal. B.E. Chemical has also started from 2008

Posted By: Sky    Posted Date: 11 Jul 2011   

Posted By: Gypsy    Posted Date: 16 Apr 2012   
Proper Telephone Number of the college is 02822 - 240743

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