Campus Representative of
Clinical Research Education And Management Academy
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Clinical Research Education And Management Academy
Advanced post graduate diploma in Clinical Research Management. MBA Healthcare Management.
Largest in the world with revenues over $3 trillion
Indian healthcare industry is worth about Rs.100,000 crores, accounting 5% of GDP
Fastest growing industry in India with CAGR of about 30%
Employs about 80 lakh people directly and indirectly – (IT industry employs only about 5 lakh)
1)MBA Healthcare Management(Batch starting 21st January,2010):
For further information and admissions contact:
Nishant Mitra Mob-09717094113 011-40678802. nishant@cremaindia.org
CREMA,632,Lane No-3, West-End-Marg,Saidullazab, Off. M.B.Road,New Delhi. Pin-110030.
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