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Cauveri College for Women, Tiruchirappalli

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College Name: Cauveri College for Women, Tiruchirappalli
Address: Cauvery College for Women
Annamalai Nagar, Tiruchirapalli - 620018
City: Tiruchirappalli   Colleges in Tiruchirappalli
State: Tamil Nadu   Find Colleges in Tamil Nadu
Phone Number: 0431-2751232
Official Website:
University: Bharathidasan University

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Cauveri College for Women

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About Cauveri College for Women

Cauvery College for Women was established in the year 1984 and is run by Reddy Educational Trust. The institution is affiliated to Bharathidasan University and is nationally re-accredited with ‘A' grade by NAAC. The main aim of the college is to provide technical education to the women students and to help the students to improve their personality development and professional competencies.


Cauvery College for women offers 15 UG courses, 10 PG courses and 1 PG diploma course in Computer Application. The college also has research departments for Ph.D. and M.Phil. The departments that are actively operating in the college are:
Arts department- Business Administration, Commerce, English, Social Work, Tamil

Science- Bio technology, chemistry, Computer Application, Computer Science, Food service management & Dietetics, IT, Maths, Microbiology and Physics.

The college offers research programs at Ph.D. level in the department of Commerce and Social work and at M.Phil level in the department of Commerce, Computer Science and Social Work.


The college has a large campus with good infrastructure. The classrooms are spacious and well furnished. The college library is fully automated and has many books, journals, research papers, magazines, etc. The library functions with digital facilities. Each and every department operating in the college has well equipped laboratories. The college has a computer lab and an audio visual lab to improve the technical knowledge and the language competency of the students. The college also offers hostel to staff and the students with facilities such as food, R.O Water, Heater, generator, computer, internet and telephone facilities. The hostel also has recreation facilities and health care facilities. The college campus also has Bank, Xerox, Telephone booth and canteen. The college also provides safe transportation facilities to both staffs and the students for the pickup and the drop.


The college has many clubs such as EXNORA, LEO club, NSS, NCC, RRC and Rotract club. All the clubs conducts activities regularly and the students are allowed to participate in the club activities to create social awareness and involve in the social service activities for the welfare of the people and the environment. The college also has entrepreneurship development cell and citizen consumer club.

- Soundharya

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Courses in Cauveri College for Women

Course NameFeesSeats
M Tech Automobile
B.Sc. Microbiology
M.Sc. Microbiology
M.Com Commerce
B.C.A. Computer Application
B.Tech. Industrial Engineering
ME Industrial Engineering
B.Sc Information Technology
M.Sc Information Technology
B.A. Tamil
B.Sc. Mathematics
B.A. Social Work
Master of Social Work (M.S.W)
B.Sc. Physics
B.B.A. Business Administration
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