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Alwar Pharmacy College

Check this college post to find information about the Alwar Pharmacy College at North Extn. M.I.A. Alwar - 301030 (Rajasthan). Get to know the telephone number, email address, address of this college. Also find information about the college and the entrance exam results and admissions to this college.
College Name: Alwar Pharmacy College
Address: North Extn. M.I.A. Alwar - 301030 (Rajasthan), India.
City: Alwar   Colleges in Alwar
State: Rajasthan   Find Colleges in Rajasthan
Phone Number: 9929110006 to 9, 09414231715
Official Website:
University: Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS)

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Alwar Pharmacy College

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About Alwar Pharmacy College

About Institute :

Alwar Pharmacy College, established and managed by All India Society for Advance Education & Research, is solely devoted to the growth and development of Pharmacy Education in Rajasthan State. The member of the society includes eminent educationists, highly qualified professionals in the field of Medicine, Engineering, Science & Technology and other allied subjects. As the demand for Quality Technical Institute in Rajasthan state, All India Society for Advance Education & Research ventured into the field of Technical Edsucation in year 1998 by establishing first private Engineering College of Rajasthan named “Institute of Engineering & Technology". "Alwar Pharmacy College" is next step to achieve the motto of institution.

Alwar Pharmacy College is located at Matsya Industrial Area, Alwar, just adjacent to the Institute of Engineering & Technology (BE Degree Engineering College). There are one Engineering College, one MBA & MCA College, all this surrounding of educational institutions provides an exceptionally good academic and cultural environment for all-round growth of the students. Alwar Pharmacy College campus is being developed with lush green lawns and beautiful landscaping.

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Courses in Alwar Pharmacy College

Course NameFeesSeats
M.Pharm Pharmaceutical Chemistry
M.Pharm Pharmaceutics
M.Pharm Pharmacology
Ph.D. Pharmacy
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