Campus Representative of
KTHM College
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About KTHM College
The K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce & A.M. Science College, Nashik (Popularly known as KTHM College) was established in 1969 and is affiliated to University of Pune. The College is situated on magnificent campus on the bank of river Godavari. It is the biggest college in Maharashtra state. The college enrollment has already crossed the 16,000 mark.
The college has earned name & fame of its academic excellence, regularity and punctuality of its regirous routine, high standard of descipline, administrative control & progressive outlook to serve the society.
The college offers full-fledged degree in Arts, Humanities, Commerce, Science and Computer Science. The college also provides facility for external students desirous of higher education and has established study centers of -
* IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) * YCMOU (Yashwantrao Chavan Maharshtra Open University)
The college takes pride in having an automated administration eager to welcome the modern era of 21st century. The college have an excellent & fully computerised library facility with well behaved & enthusiastic staff.
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