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Ceit-ignou Community College, Srinagar

Do you want to know more about Ceit-ignou Community College? Are you looking for information about where this college is located in Erode? Read this college post to know the address and telephone contact details of this college and also information about the courses offered by this college at Main Market Chanapora Srinagar.
College Name: Ceit-ignou Community College, Srinagar
Address: Main Market Chanapora Srinagar
City: Srinagar   Colleges in Srinagar
State: Jammu and Kashmir   Find Colleges in Jammu and Kashmir
Phone Number: 01943435554, 9205047482
Official Website:
University: Indira Gandhi National Open University

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Ceit-ignou Community College

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About Ceit-ignou Community College

CEIT { CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY} is a registered Trust, registered under the Jammu & Kashmir Trust Act.CEIT is also registered with Planning Commission of India under their "NGO Partnership Programme" to get their awareness programme regarding different educational and other schemes, in the

Aims & Objectives
In addition to the other activities, CEIT aims and objectives include following items:-
A) To eradicate illiteracy from the state.
B) To persuade those who have left studies, to continue the same by providing guidance and financial assistance (for the needy)
C) To spread computer education in the state.
* We have been working to spread academic as well as computer education in the valley, especially in rural areas. Till date we have been able to provide basic computer courses like certificate & Diploma to at least 3000 students. Certificates were awarded by IGNOU.

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Courses in Ceit-ignou Community College

Course NameFeesSeats
Certification Rural Development (CRD)
B.C.A. Computer Application
Certification Computer Applications (CCA)
Diploma Computer Applications
Diploma Computer Hardware Maintenance & Networking
Certification Desk Top Publishing
Diploma Information Technology
B.A. English
B.A. Mathematics
B.A. Social Work
Business Skills (CBS) Certification
B.A. Tourism Studies
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