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Sree Narayana Polytechnic College, Kollam

Check this college post to find information about Sree Narayana Polytechnic College at Kottiyam, Kollam, Kerala. You will know the telephone number, email ID and correct address of this college. Also, find information about admissions to Sree Narayana Polytechnic College.
College Name: Sree Narayana Polytechnic College, Kollam
Address: Kottiyam, Kollam - 691571, Kerala
City: Kollam   Colleges in Kollam
State: Kerala   Find Colleges in Kerala
Phone Number: +91 474 2530043
Official Website:
University: University of Kerala
Other popular names: SNPTC

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Sree Narayana Polytechnic College

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About Sree Narayana Polytechnic College

About college

Sree Narayana Polytechnic College is situated in Kottiyam , Kollam, Kerala, India. It is a private technical college established in the year 1957. It is affiliated To Directorate of Technical Education, Karnataka. It is a co-educational institution. It is recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). It is working under the guidance and sponsorship of Sree Narayana Trust. It has its motto : One Caste, One Religion, One God.

It has a main building, workshops, department labs, central library, co-operative society, hostels, play ground and a canteen working under the guidance of Kudumbasree unit for the benefit of the students. The size of the campus is 15 acre. The college provides NSS, NCC, placement cell , PTA of SNPTC , games and extra curricular activities for the students.

- Pawan Kumar

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Courses in Sree Narayana Polytechnic College

Course NameFeesSeats
BE Chemical1300 / YEAR70
Diploma Civil EngineeringAs per Govt.Fixed Rate.70 Seats Each
Diploma Electronics Engineering (DEE) 1300/year75 merit seat/5 management seat
Diploma Mechanical Engineering1300/year75 merit seat/5 management seat
Diploma Mechanical Engineering1300 / YEAR70
CAD Matrix1300/year75 merit seat/5 management seat
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Posted By: Harisree K.S.    Posted Date: 02 Sep 2010   
There is a wrong information that is "Course Name - B.Tech Civil Engineering". There is no such course(the college is not a engineering college,its only a polytechnic college ).

Posted By: sobha wilson    Posted Date: 10 Mar 2021   

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